SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 175, 176. 1908. 165 CHAP. 17 5.—An Act Relating to unpaid Hawaiian Postal Savings Bank deposits. wY£9i}%] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United [Public. No- 121-] States of America in Congress assembled, That whenever, by reason Hawaiian Postal of the death of any person and the want of an executor or adminis- S“{}{,'},€,*§({3*,§'Q;,‘6S,,, bg trator, any demand for moneys deposited in the Hawaiian Postal lg*gg:5e:° amiss 0* Savings Bank can not be certified to by the governor of Hawaii as cmmaamm ar, by provided in section one hundred and two of “An Act to provide a G‘{Y,§‘:“§f‘,,_ m1_ government for the Territory of Hawaii," approved April thirtieth, · nineteen hundred, the governor may, upon W1‘1l?l5€H application, certify to such demand as due to the persons satisfactorily proved to him to be the persons who would be entitled to the personal estate of the decedent by the terms of the laws of Hawaii relating to the distribution of estate of intestates, and his certificate so made, when sealed, countersigned, and approved as provided in said section for other certificates shall have the same force and effect as such other certificates. _ Sec. 2. That all claims to moneys deposited in the Hawaiian Postal ,e§`{;‘}fo},’§§Q1§;,§f“’ Savings Bank not presented for certification as provided by law within two years after the passage of· this Act shall be forever barred. Sec. 3. That when all claims certified as provided by law have been U" °*”°‘““°‘*¤- paid the Secretary of the Interior shall draw his warrant for the balance, if any, of the Hawaiian Postal Savin Bank deposits then remaining unpaid upon the Treasurer of the Igiited States payable to the treasurer of the Territory of Hawaii, who shall thereupon apply the same toward the payment of the public debt of Hawaii, in conformity with the provisions of the "Joint resolution to provide for annexing vox. so, p. vm. the Hawaiian Islands to the United States," approved July seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-eigl1t. Approved, May 19, 1908. CHAP. 176.-An Act Providing for the res1u·vey of certain public lands in the _ St8t0 of N0l)I'I·Sl({l.. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R?resentatives of the United States of Amer·iea in Congress assembled,hat the Secretary of the }`f§§,§,'!",.§;3·,,,cu,,,,,, Interior be. and he is hereby, authorized to cause to be made a resur- l¤¤¤¤*¤· vey of the lands in township twenty-five north, range fifteen; township twenty-six north, range thirty-one; township t irty-four north, range thirty-two, and township twenty-four north, range forty-six, all west of the sixth principal meridian, in the State of Nebraska; and all rules and regulations of the Interior Department requiring petitions from all settlers asking for a resurveiy and agreement to abide by the result of the same, so far as these ands are concerned, _ are hereby abrogated: Bwided, That nothing herein contained shall f.`,'{{.,'Q"’°§m,,,, ,,0, be so construed as to impair the present bona fide claim of any actual ¤¤¤·=¢¤d- occupant of said lands so occupied: Provided further-, That before ,u{2¤é,§°‘{§“f,§· $,2:,21 any survey is ordered it shall be made to appear to the Secretary of M · the Interior that the former ofhcial survey of said lands is so inaccurate or obliterated as to make it necessary to survey the land, and only such rts of the land where the survey is so inaccurate or obliterated shallabe surveyed. Approved, May 19, 1908.
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