164 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 172, 173. 1908. from Fifteenth street northeast to Oklahoma avenue, exclusive of the strip of land thirty feet in width acquired by the Columbia Railway V<>r 34. p· 151- Company under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June V<>r 30. 11445- thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, entitle "An Act to authorize the extension eastward1y of the Columbia Railway, ’_’ accordin to the street extension plans of said District, the Commissioners ofg the District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to institute in the supreme court of the District of Columbia a proceeding in rem to con emn the land that may be necessary to complete the widening of said road to a width of one hundred and ten
- '*·¤*i·¤·- w feet between the limits named: Provided, however, That the entire
$a£ u` amount found to be due and awarded by the jury in said proceeding
as damages, for and in respect of the land to be condemned for sai ' extension plus the costs and expenses of said roceeding, shall be F~¤¤¤¤1¢¢i¤¤- assessed by the jury as benefits: And provided jgrther, That nothing A in said subcha ter one of chapter fifteen of said Code shall be construe to authorize the 'ury to assess less than the aggregate amount of the damages awarded for and in respect of the land to be condemned and the costs and expenses of the pzrloceeding hereunder: And prouddfu¢·ther, R¤¤¤<>v¤1 of ¢¤¤=k·- That the said Columbia 'lway Com ny, its successors or assigns, shall remove its tracks to the center olxthe street when widened when uired so to do by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. exAv1>¤>P¤•¤·>¤ *°* 2. That there is hereby appipapriated from the revenues of the District of Columbia an amount su cient to pay the necessar costs and expenses of the condemnation proceedings taken pursuantlnereto and for the payment of amounts awarded as amages; to be repaid to the District of Columbia from the assessments for benehts and covered into the Treasury to the credit of the revenues of the District of Columbia. $<>·>1¤e§11¤g.c¤gm Sec. 3. That section eight hundred and sixt;y—nine of an Act of ,mQ§d],,;_1' " ‘ Co ress entitled "An Act to establish a Code o Law for the District of lC€>Iumbia," approved March third, nineteen hundred and one, be, G bu t and thelsafpe is efebyylapiended so as to read as follows: . ¤·m ¤ ·¤°·»12{_°j ‘ t s a be un aw u or any person or association of rsons to mbhedmthmml it bet, gamble, or make books or pools on the result of any thibtting or . running race of horses,·or boat race, or race of an kind, or on any runny. election, or any contest of any kind, or game of baseball. Any person or association ofepersons violating the provisions of this section shall be fined not exec in five hundred dollars or be imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both? Approved, May 16, 1908. Mw 18·1'*m· CHAP. 173.-An Act Providin for the restoration “ _, . trust" on certain denominations of llhe gold and silver crhinsulil thetlionitddsdaégssfe Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repreae¢•tata?vea of the United ggggtionolmotto States of America in Congress assembled, That the motto “In God we ··i¤ sea wermnwn. trust," heretofore inscribed on certain denominations of the gold and silver coins of the United States of America, shall hereafter be inscribed upon all such gold and silver coins of said denominations as "°°* hcScmfomTha this A hall k if · - r:o.2. tcts taeeectthirvdasafteritsa ro l by the President. D y pp va Approved, May 18, 1908.