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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/185

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 180. 1908. 167 That the Missouri Central Railroad Company, a corporation organ- Miwvuri River. ized under the laws of the State of Missouri, its successors and assigns, niiiigidurhoiiigiiiiiii be, and they are hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and operate g‘,‘j;,,Q§‘}§j· “” Simi' a bridge and approaches thereto across the Missouri River at a poinf near the city of Saint Charles, being about three and one-half miles south of west of said city of Saint Charles, to a. point due south in Saint Louis County, all in the State of Missouri. That the Mississip i, Hill Cit and Western Railwa Company, a ,,,}‘f,*,§“*’°*PPl R“'°’· corporation organized) under the laws of the State of Sbuth Dakota, A_Mié¤i¤¤ippi, Hill its successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby, authorized to con- Elfdwatnd Cl,`;§§§§§ struct, maintain, and operate a railroad bridge and approaches thereto my *****8* across the Missis ippi iver at section four, township fifty-two north, L°“““°“· range twenty-three west, being in Aitkin County, in the State of Minnesota. Thatthe Iron Dyke Co rCompany, a cor oration or anized under S¤°k° RiV€*· the laws of the State ofppgnnsylvania, its sdizcessors ang} assigns, be, Cdri-ijriirnlgsiiiieiay Eiiiiiiii and they are hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a °° H°m°°md’ °'°“‘ toll bri ge and approaches thereto across the Snake River at a point to be selected between Homestead and Ballards Landing, on said river, between the States of Oregon and Idaho. That section seven of the act approved March twenty-sixth, nineteen ¥,'j,°§“;,§§f;;, for hundred and two, as amended by an Act approved June thirtieth, nine- bridgsbzt by South teen hundred and six, authorizin the South Omaha Railroad and Bridge hifiés cumpmyiuiii Company to build a bridge ang a preaches thereto across Missouri S°{}f,1_§2m“hg,; Nm'- River at or near the city of South·Omaha, Douglas County, is hereby V¤1- kg; i>. 817. amended by extending the time for the construction of said bridge and °m°°d°d' approaches thereto to April fifteenth, nineteen hundred and ten. hat the Copper River Railway Compan , a corporation organized Af,Qki;P°’ R*"°’· and existing un er the laws of the State of TVashington, its successors Gbvpér River Rm; and assigns, be, and they are hereby, authorized to construct, main- K#°i$g€?°m°°°y m" tain, and operate two bridges across the Copper River, in the Territory ,,3;}* "'*‘*g°°‘* ‘°°°- of Alaska, below the Abercrombie Canyon, to be located as follows: The first, or lower bridge, to cross the said Copper River at a point below Childs Glacier; and the second, or upper bridge, to cross said Co(pper River at some point between Childs Glacier and Miles Glacier, an slightly upstream from the location that has been selected as a bridge crossing by the Alaska Pacific Railway and Terminal Company, and a sufficient distance therefrom to avoid interference with the construction or operation of the bridge across said river that may lawfully be erected by said last-named company. That the Copper River and Northwestern Railway Company, a cor- kf"""** ’~“*°· *““" ppration organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nevada, Ntmmgr t{<i~·¤-r gmii , and is hereby, authorized to construct, operate, and maintain a wg, `Y;$i,$,§},,- ,,2Z,Z brid e and its approaches thereto across Bering Lake, in the Territory """g"· of Adaska. _ _ _ _ _ _ That section six of an Act authorizing the_Winn1peg, Yankton and :].Q{j$§“;;}g;;’;, ,0, Gulf Railroad Company to construct a combined railroad, wagon, and bridsiri. ip; Wiring foot-passenger bridge across the Missouri River at or near the city of Sidi nhimiii cal`.,. Yankton, South Dakota, approved A ril fifth, nineteen hundred and $'{{·“‘ ““""°“· S- four, as amended by the Act approved February nineteenth, nineteen ¥¤l-l33.§i157- ____ hundred and seven, be, and the same is hereby, so amended that the smellsés, ‘ p' " " time within which the said bridge is required to be commenced shall P'"'- P- be within one year and the time within which it is required that the said brid e shall be completed shall be within three years from the date of tlde approval of this Act. _ That the Rock River Traction Company, a corporation organized §g,‘i,§,*§{§§p,}Q;m_n under the laws of the State of Illinois, its successors and assigns, be, c¤mp¤¤iym¤>·w.rnm. and they are hereby, authorized to construct a bridge across Rock River _ at a point between the first section line south of the Colona Ferry (the L°°*"‘°“- section line between sections nine and ten, township seventeen north, range one east) and the first section line east of the Cleveland Ferry