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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/186

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168 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 180. 1908. (the section line between sections twenty-nine and thirty, township ' eighteen north, range two east), said bridggcto be built across Rock River between the counties of Henry and k Island, IH the State of Illinois. V·•*¤Y *§'°*· -**“°- That the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to rovide for the conhnTdi:-iiengibieliinix truction of a bridge across Rainy River, in the §ate of Minnesota," m&£§?T” approved g6b1'll8·l'_Y wseventh, nineteen hundred and three, is hereby revived an reenac . That section six of the aforesaid Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ' Tum °‘ °°¤¤"°°· “Sec. 6. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction miiibi. az, p. sez. of the bridge herein authorized be not commenced within one year '“‘°“°"°‘ and completed within three years from July first, nineteen hundred cemrmcapnwiziim and eight; and that the construction shall not be commenced until the W" ""hd °` Government of the Dominion of Canada has authorized the construction and maintenance of that part of said bridge which shall occupy gait portion of the river which is under the jurisdiction of said minion government? ‘ ¥*¢<*I-*1*%*******- That the board of supervisors of the town of Highlanding Red mliigiiriiiiiliingamjn" Lake County, Minnesota, be, and they are hereby, authorized ai coustruct, maintain, and operate a highway bridge and approaches thereto teams. across the Red Inke River on the section line between sections twenty- nine and thirty}, ttéwnship one hundred and fifty-three north, range _ forty west in the tate of Minnesota. §j§§$,“}§f¥;_}§f,§g,, That the, citv of Bemidji, a corporation organized under the laws of bridge- the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, be, and the are gersby, aiéthorized hto cilonstruct, maipltam, an operate a highway mmm. ri ge an ap roac es thereto across the ississippi River at section sixteen, towndhip one hundred and forty-six, range thirty-three, in the State of Minnesota. ,_f¤Y°° D’A¤‘b°””°· That the Ruston, atehitoches and Northeastern Railroad Company, t xl;i¤¤¤,d$xr»:51¤;¤s{; a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Louisiana, its _.§°,, °§§{{,,,g§ (ff, m- successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby, authorizedto construct, WW may Wd8e- maintain, and operate a drawbridge and approaches thereto across I·<>¤¤¤<>¤· Bayou D’A{·1bopne mfthe Statg if Louisiapa at a suitable point on said stream on the ine o its roa etween the cities of Farmerville, in Union Parish, and Ruston, in Lincoln Parish, in the State of Louisiana. “**”·**Pg*¤RiY°'· That the bridge constructed across the Mississi iRiver betw th giioiiigixiauitigii townships of Clough, in Morrison County, and Fiirt Ri ley, iriiedllrovlvi ,,},’§,_°" "“‘* °"“ Winlg County, State of Minnesota, by the authorities of said counties of L orrison and Crow Wing, be, an the same is hereby, legalized PWM_ andhtbetconseg: of Congrlpss is herplby given to its maintenance by said changes. authori ies: oz at any c anges in the said structure which me Ecretazryfof Wanmyhailalpy time dpem necessary and order in e in_eres o navigation s a eprompt y made b the ow th f M 1 mm at their own expense. y mm emo miiinnlsmeriiiicn., That the township of Manistee, in the county of Manistee, State of my *>¤‘*d¤¤- Michigan, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, its successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby, authorizipd tplcontstzruct, magitain, sing opehrate a highway bridge, and approac es ere , across the sout ranc or channel of the Manistee River in said townshi in the State of Michigan. m#,‘;§'Q},§n‘{,2]_C“m` . That the Aransas iifarbor Terminal Railway Company, a corporam$,¤5¤C¤¤:rg;_r:;r;;; tion organized under Texas law, be, and they are hereby, authorized guage, sz anew to construct, maintain, and operate a railroad brid and approaches ‘“·T“· thereto across the Morris and Cummings channcgg at a point near _ Aransas Pass,_Texas, from the mainland to Harbor Island. _§,{°,§u",:"g§,’}T;’f,i,, That the Saint Louis, Brownsville and Mexico Railway Company, a Eglysggnatpzisgogg corporation organized under the laws of the State of exas, its sucsnagesmaruwnsvnis, cessors and assigns, be, and they are hereby, authorized to construct, '*`°‘- _ maintain, and operate a railway, wagon, and foot bridge and approaches