i 172 M SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sass, I. Ch. 183. 190§. “¤'°Y° °"P"'*!"‘“· Envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary to the Argen- 3i€»¥ip&'ét¤A'$“y“"“" me aspubm, Belgium, onus, cum, cum, the Netueqauas and Luxemhlurlg, and Spain, at twelve thousand dollars each, eighty-four thousan ollars· · Envo extradrdinary and ministers plenipotentiary to Colombia, Costa lhza, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Salvador, and Venezuela, at ten thousand dollars each, ninety thousand d llars• 0Envdys extraordinary and ministers plenmotentiary to Denmark, Morocco, Norway, Paraguay_ and Uruguag, ortugal, Roumama and Servia and diplomatic agent in Bulgaria, weden, and Switzerland, at ten thousand dollars eac , eighty thousand dollars; Envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Greece and Montenegro, ten thousand dollars; Envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary to Bolivia, Ecuador, Haiti, Persia, and Siam, at ten thousand dollars each, fifty thousand dollars; uimmumrmggr Minister resident and consutgcneral to the Dominican Republic, ten "' °thousand dollars· · Minister resident and consul—general to Liberia, ive thousand dollars· As¤m,em.,cm¤. Agent and consul—general at Cairo, six thousand five hundred dollarsp,,,,,,,,, Provided, That no salary herein appropriated shall be paid to any
- 7 *¤¤¤*°“°”· official receiving any other salary from the United States Government.
Charm nmmnm. Charges d’aifaires ad interim, forty thousand dollars; Total, five hundred and fifty thousand five hundred dollars. . • b_;,'•°:*:.};*,°j’cg'f,,;,,’:‘ sammms or smcnmramms or mmaassms AND LEGATIONS. $¤'¤**¤¤~ Secretaries of embassies to Austria-Hungary, Brazil, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy., Japan, Mexico, Russia, and Turkey, at three thousand dollars each, thirty thousand dollars; Secretaries of legations to the Argentine Republic, Belgium, Chile, China, Cuba, the Netherlands and Luxemburg, and Spain, at two thousand six hundred and twenty-ve dollars each, eighteen thousand three hundred and seventy-five dollars; Secretaries of legation to Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, Guatema a, Honduras, Liberia, Morocco, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Peru., Portugal, the Dominican Republic, Sweden, Shwitzerlanchland Venezuela. at two thousand dollars each, thirty-six thousand dollars: Secretary of lcgation to Salvador and consul-general to San Salva- 4**- v-i°*· dor, two thousand dollars; and the provision in the Act of Mav eleventh, plinetqeen hunflréed and eight, for a consul-general at San Salvador is ere y repea e . thSec·re§•3ylYf legation to Siam and consul-general at Bangkok, two ousan dollars; d Secretary of legation to Greece and Montenegro, two thousand 0 lars; d Secretary of legation to Paraguay and Uruguay, two thousand - o ars: · Secretary of legation and consul-general to Roumania and Servia, who shall (alsp be secretary of the diplomatic agency in Bulgaria, two thousand dollars; Secretary of legation to Persia, who shall be an American student _ of the language of that country, two thousand dollars; seccmxsecmnnes. Second secretaries of embassies to Austria·Hungary, Brazil, Great _ Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, and Russia, at two thousand dollars each, sixteen thousand dollars; Second secretary of embassy to Japan, two thousand dollars;