SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C Hs. 181-183. 1908. 171 any sum in excess of what may be due for such drainage charge, if the land when sold was unentered. Sec. 7. That a copy of all notices required by the drainage laws Riz¤¤¤f¤1>x><=¤¤.<==¢¤- mentioned in this Act to be given to the owners or occupants of lands held in private ownership shall, as soon as such notices issue, be delivered to the register and receiver of the proper district land office in cases where unentered lands are affected thereby and to the entrymen whose unpatented lands are included therein, and the United States and such entrymen shall be given the same rights to be heard by petition, answer, remonstrance, appeal, or otherwise as are given to persons holding lands in private ownership; and all entrymen shall be given the same rights of redemption as are given to the owners of lands held in private ownership. Sec. 8. That hereafter homestead entries and final proofs may be m§gj,Pgg¥: I¤di¤¤ made u n all ceded Chippewa Indian lands in Minnesota embraced in Homestead eumes, the withdrawal under the Act of June twenty-hrst, nineteen hundred €§2;.,0’§f"' be ““‘d“ and six, entitled "An Act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian De artment" (Thirty-fourth Stat- v<»1.s·1,p.ssz. utes at Large, page three hundred andltwenty-five), and patents may mens, em. issue thereon as in other homestead cases, upon the (payment by the ent man of the price prescribed by law for such lan and on entries on xtlie ceded Red Lake Reservation in addition thereto the sum of three cents per acre to repay the cost of the drainage survey thereof, which addition shall be disposed of the same as the other proceeds of said land. Approved, May 20, 1908. —————— a CHAP. 182.-An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to accept and care May 20. 1908. for gifts presented to vessels of the Navy of the United States. __ [S- 5617-] Public, No. 126. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRqn·esezetat£ves of the United [ 1 States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the ggvr- t { ," Navy is hereby authorized to acce t and care for such gifts in the pm¤3ii¤i5S%t?aeiY¢»€ form of silver, colors, books, or other articles of equipment or furni- . ture as, in accordance with custom, maybe presented to vessels of the Nav by States, municipalities, or otherwise. The necessary expense Expense. incidrent to the care and preservation of gifts of this character which have been or may hereafter be accepted shall be defrayed from the appropriation "equipment of vessels." Approved, May 20, 1908. CHAP. 183.-—An Act Makirn appropriations for the diplomatic and consular May 21,190s. service for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine. A__[{I; R· 2***5-] TPub1ic, X . 127. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represe¢ztate`wes of the UnitedO 1 States of America in Ocngrees assembled, That the following sums be, nxpiemmc andconand they are hereb , severally appropriated, in full compensation for ““"" ””'°*’"“°'°"" the diplomatic andy consular service for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expresse , namely: SCHEDULE A. · S¤¤°d¤*° A- SALARIES or AMBASSADORS AND Mrxrsnms. $..1,,,.,,, Ambassadors extraordinary and plenipoteutiagy to Austria-Hungary, -“""’”‘“"°"· Brazil, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, apan, Mexico, Russia, and Turkey, at seventeen thousand five hundred dollars each, one hundred and seventydive thousand dollars;
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