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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/785

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· 768 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 255. 1909. urchased under the naval supply fund; and for the purchase of

  • 1* *° ¤*'“**¤* {lnited States Army emer enc _ rations, as required: Provided, That

hereafter such stores as the Slecretary of the Navy may desigpate ma be procured and sold to officers and enlisted men of the avy andr Marine Co , also to civilian employees at naval stations beyond _ the continentaldpdimits of the United States and in Alaska, under m°}F“°‘l• m' '°"' such re lations as the Secretary of the Navy may prescribe_; promkle<§;urther, That the sum to be paid out of this appropriation, under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy, for c emists and for clerical, inspection, and messenger service in the general storehouses and aymasters’ offices of the navy—yards and naval stations for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, shall not exceed four hundred and forty-seven thousand five hundred and forty-four dollars and eighty-eight cents. _ In all, seven million one hundred and ten thousand two hundred and eighty-four dollars and thirty-one cents. Gontiumnt. CONTINGENT, BUREAU or SUPPLIES AND AceoUN·rs: For fuel, books and blanks, stationery, interior fittings for general storehouses and pay offices in navy-yards; coffee mills and repairs thereto; expenses . of naval clothing factory and machine for same, tolls, ferriages, eoman’s store—safes, newspapers, and other incidental expenses, one hundred and fifty-nine thousand dollars. in-eign: Depm- Freight, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts: All freight and express '”“"““° f"“"""" charges pertaining to the Navy Department and its bureaus, except the transportation of coal for the Bureau of Equipment, five hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars. mliiudiiilnigpcsarufnw BUREAU or CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR. m@§"§‘eQ;?;‘h_ “'“d CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR or vmssmns: For preservation and completion of vessels on the stocks and in ordinary; purchase of materials and stores of all kinds; steam steerers, pneumatic steerers, steam capstans, steam windlasses, and all other auxiliaries; labor in navy- yards and on foreign stations; purchase of machinery and tools for use in shops; carrying on work of experimental model tank; designing naval vessels; construction and relpair of yard craft, lighters, and barges; wear, tear, and repair of vesse s afloat; general care, increase, and protection of the navy in the line of construction and re air; incidental expenses for vessels and navy-yards, inspectors’ offices, ` such as photographing, books, nofessional ma razines, plans, stationery, and instruments for drafting room, and for pay of classified force under the bureau, eight million nine hundred and seventy-nine Q'g;’é*g;·Sh,ps_ thousand one hundred and forty-four dollars: Provided, That no part of this sum shall be a plied to the repair of any wooden ship, when the estimated cost of suclh repairs, to he appraised by a competent board of naval officers, shall exceed ten per centum of the estimated cost, appraised in like manner, of a new ship of the same size and like 0***** BMW- material: Prmwkled. further, That no part of this sum shall be applied to the repair of any other ship when the estimated cost of such repairs to be appraised by a competent board of naval officers, shall exceed twenty per centum of the estimated cost, appraised in like manner, ,0f{§§*{;a{;,_jl”P" ’” of a new ship of the same size and like material: Provided further, i That nothing herein contained shall deprive the Secretary of the Navy of the authority to order repairs of ships damaged in foreign waters or on the high seas, so far as may be necessary to bring them home. M *0 ¤P¤<>m°d And the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to make expenditures from appropriate funds under the various bureaus for repairs and changes on the vessels herein named, in an amount not to exceed the sum specified for each vessel, respectively, as follows: Maine (in addition to the two hundred thousand dollars authorized by the naval