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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/786

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 255. 1909. 769 applropriation Act approved May thirteenth, nineteen hundred and eig t), five hundre and twenty thousand dollars; Missouri, five hundred and forty thousand dollars; Ohio, five hundred and forty thousand dollars; Wisconsin, three hundred and eight thousand dollars; Chattanooga, two hundred and ten thousand dollars ; Cleveland, two hundred and ten thousand dollars; Denver, two hundred and ten thousand dollars; Des Moines, two hundred and ten thousand dollars; Galveston, two hundred and ten thousand dollars; Tacoma, two hundred and ten thousand dollars; Concord, one hundred and fifty-two thousand dollars; Yorktown, one hundred and fifty-two thousand dollars; Elcano, thirty-five thousand dollars; Paragua, twenty. thousand dollars; Quiros, thirt thousand five hundred dollars; odgers, forty-two thousand dollars; Rainbow, one hundred and forty thousand dollars; Su ply, one hundred and thirty thousand dollars; Yankee, one hundred · and ninety-five thousand dollars; - Apache, twenty-one thousand five hundred dollars; Lincoln, six thousand dollars; in all, four million one hundred and sixt —four thousand dollars as per the letters of the Secretary of the Nav , Bouse Documents Numbered Eleven hundred and fifty-two and `l`hirteen hundred and six, Sixtieth Congress, concerning repairs of certain naval Ammon, N on vessels: And provided further, That hereafter it shall be the duty of on repairs. P the Secretary of the Navy to report to Congress at the beginning of each regular session thereof, in addition to the re rt directed to be made in the Act of March second, nineteen hundredpsnd seven, making v°l‘ 34* " u°°‘ a propriations for the naval service for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, and for other purposes, a detailed statement showing the amoimt expended from each of the appropriations for the repair of every ship where such repairs exceed for any one ship the sum of two hundred thousand dollars in an? one www m mm fiscal year: Provided éurther, That the sum to be paid out o this mes. ’ " a propriation under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy, for clerical, drafting, ins ection, and messenger service in navy-yards, naval stations, and offices of su erintending naval constructors for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, shall not exceed eight hundred and eight thousand and thirty-nine dollars. Iirraovsmmxr or cousrnuorron vr.ANrs: Construction plant, §§‘f,‘}§,§;‘,f,§}j’,f‘§,‘_“{E‘,'f· navy-yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Repairs to and improvements of plant at navy-yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, fifteen thousand dollars. Construction plant navy-yard, Boston, Massachusetts: Repairs to B°"°“·“"”· and improvement of plant at navy-yard, Boston, Massac usetts, twenty thousand dollars. _ Construction plant, m1vy—yard, New York, New York: Repairs to N"' ‘°*·N·Y- and improvement of plant at navy-yard, New York, New York, twenty thousand dollars. _ Construction plant, navy-yard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Re- P¤¤¤¤¤*¤¤i¤~*’•· pairs to and improvement of plant at navy-yard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, fifteen thousand do lars. Construction lant, navy—yard, Norfolk, Virginia: Repairs to and N¤¤•>¤=·"¤· improvement ofp plant at navy-yard, Norfolk, Virginia, twelve thousand dollars. - _ S C Construction plant, navy-yard, Charleston, South Carolina: Rcgairs °l"'l°""“‘ ‘ ‘ to and improvement of plant at naval station, Charleston, South arolina, twenty thousand dollars. _ In H Construction plant, navy-yard, Pensacola, Florida_: Repairs to and P°"“"°° ‘ “‘ improvement of plant at navy—yard, Pensacola, Florida, twelve thousand dollars. _ _ _ H d Cd Construction plant, navy-yard, Mare Island, California: Repairs “"° "“‘· ‘ to and improvement of plant at navy—yard, Mare Island, California, fifteen thousand dollars.