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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/789

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772 six’r1E·rH CONGRESS. sms. 11. cu. 255. woe. chapel, armory, gymnasium, and offices, at three hundred dollars each; one bandmaster, at one thousand two hundred dollars; twenty-one iirst-class musicians, at four hundred and twenty dollars each; seven second-class musicians, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; services of organist at chapel, three hundred dollars; one assistant instructor in.gymnastics, one thousand dollars; four clerks, nine hundred dollars each; one assistant baker, five hundred and forty dollars; one mechanic in department of physics, seven hundred and twenty dollars ; four cooks, at six hundred dollars each ; two instructors in hysical training, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; two electrical machinists in de artment of hysics, one thousand dollars each; one chief cook, one thousand two hundred dollars; one steward, one thousand two hundred dollars; one assistant steward, six hundred dollars; one head waiter, seven hundred and twent dollars; two assistant head waiters, at four hundred and eighty dollars each, nine hundred and sixty dollars; two pantry men, at four hundred and twenty dollars each, e` ht hundred and forty dollars; one assistant baker, four hundred and twenty dollars; e` ht assistant cooks, at three hundred dollars each, two thousand fourlliundred dollars; necessary waiters, at sixteen dollars per month each, thirteen thousand four hundred and forty dollars; in all, one hundred and fifty-fiVe thousand three hundred . _ and two dollars and seventy-six cents. ‘ ‘ m;‘g8;{m’*;j;¤h¤¤¤· PAY or wA*rcnMEN, MECHANICS, AND 0T11E11s, NAVAL AoAnEnn*: ` Captain of the watch, at two dollars and fifty cents per diem; second captain of the watch, at two dollars and twenty-four cents per diem; twenty-two watchmen, at two dollars per diem each; in al, pa of watchmen, seventeen thousand seven hundred and ninety dohars and ten cents; foreman of power plant, at five dollars per diem; for labor at power house, for mechanics, laborers, and attendants; and for care of buildings and grounds, wharves, and boats; in all, pay of watchmen, mechanics and others, Naval Academy, one hundred and forty-two thousand seven hundred and ninety dollars and ten cents. e¤E;¤xI;;¢£’§¤¤» ¤*¤<=¤m PAY or DEPARTMENT STEAM ENGINEERING EMPLOYEES, NAvAL g g` AcAnEmY: Pay of mechanics, attendants, and others in department ` of steam engineering, twenty thousand four hundred and· twenty- three dollars and thirty-two cents. P¤>·¤¤¤1¤=¤¤i¤¤- Special course, Naval Academy: Purchase of apparatus and materials for instruction of midshipmen in physical training and athletics, and for all expenses of lectures, including the pay of the lecturer, tive thousand dollars. _ R°P·*¤· RE1>Ams, NAVAL ACADEMY! Necessary repairs of public buildings, wharves, and walls inclosing the grounds of the Naval Academ , improvements, repairs, furniture, and fixtures, forty thousand dollars. H°¤¤¤8·°'·°· HEATING AND momma, NAVAL AoADEm*: I•ue1, oil, waste, and other materials for the operation, repair, and maintenance of the plant; heating, and lighting apparatus and tools; and for heating and Jgpiting the academy and andsmen’s quarters, sixty thousand o ars. ¤<>¤¢*¤=¤¤*~ Co¤·rmcEN·r, NAVAL AcA1>EMY: Purchase, binding, and repair of books for the library and text-books for the use of instructors (to be purchased in open market on the written order of the superintendent), two thousand five hundred dollars; stationery, blank books, models. Boardof Visitors. and maps, two thousand HVG hundred dollars; expenses of the Board of Visitors of the Naval Academy, being mileage and five dollars per diem for each member for expenses during actual attendance at the academy, and for supplying necessary outfit for the Board house, and for clerk hire, carriages, and other incidental and necessai expenses of the Board, two thousand dollars; purchase of chemica , apparatus, and instruments in the de artment of physics and for repairs of the same, three thousand dollius; purchase of gas and