Srxrrnrn CONGRESS. Sess. 11. Ch. 255. 1909. 771 and for the purchase of such machines and auxiliaries considered applicable for test and use in the naval service, seventeen thousand four hundred and eighty-eight dollars. Buildings, engineering experiment station, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland: Repairs to wooden bulkhead about experiment station building, one thousand two hundred dollars; extension of wooden bulkhead to surround the ship basin, seven thousand three hundred and seventy dollars; in all, eight thousand five hundred and seventy dollars. _ The title of warrant machinist is hereby chan ed to machinist; and }§*}fQ‘(§§‘{$f;,,,,,,,,,,_ all machinists shall, after six years from date of warrant, be commis— ¤¤l§¤i=¤¤¤¥¤¤r¤z¤d tgt f sioned chief machinists, to rank with, but after, ensign, and shall, on mmiiiiiiiiiiiin m ° is promotion, have the same pay and allowances as are allowed chief oatswains, chief nners, chief carpenters, and chief sailmakers, and no machinist shall be promoted until he shall have passed such examination before a board as the Secretary of the Navy may prescribe, and no warrant officer, heretofore or hereafter promoted six ears from date of warrant, shall suffer a reduction in pay which, _ but for such promotion, would have been received by him: Provided, §{{;}§j’;, ,0 mm, 0, That chief boatswains, chief gunners, and chief machinists shall be ¤¤¤is¤. eligible for appointment to the grade of ensign under the restrictions imposed by aw upon the appomtment of boatswains, gunners, and _ warrant machinists to that grade. ruvar. Acanmn. N"¤‘A°¤d¤¤¤Y- PAY or rnornssoas AND ornmns, NAVAL Aoanmnrz One rofessor as e,§**>' °‘ P*°**•°¤· head of the department of physics, three thousand six hundreddollars. ` One professor of mathematics, one of mechanical drawing, one of Engtlish, one of French, and one of Spanish, at three thousand dollars eac . Three professors, namely, one of English, one of French, and one of Spanish, at two thousand six hundred and forty dollars each. Five instructors, at two thousand four hundred dollars each. Four instructors, at two thousand one hrmdred and sixty dollars each. Ten instructors, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each. One sword master, at one thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant, at one thousand two hundred dollars, and two assistants, at one thousand dollars each; one instructor in gymnastics, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one assistant librarian, at one thousand eight hundred dollars; one eataloguer, at one thousand one hundred dollars; two shelf assistants, at nine hundred dollars each; one secretary of the Naval Academv, at one thousand eight hundred dollars; five clerks. at one thousand two hundred dollars each; four clerks, at one thousand dollars each; two writers. at seven hundred and twent * dollars each; one clerk, at one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; one dentist, at one thousand six hundred dollars; one baker, at six hundred dollars; one mechanic in department of physics, at seven hundred and thirty dollars; one rnechamc in the department of ordnance, at nine hundred and fifty-one dollars and fifty-two cents; one mechanic in the department of ordnance. at seven hundred and fifty-one dollars and twenty cents; one messenger to the superintendent, at six hundred dollars; one armorer, at six hundred and for·ty-nine dollars and fifty cents; one chief gunne1·’s mate, at five hundred and twenty-nine do - lars and fifty cents ; three quarter gunners, at four hundred and sixty- ninc dollars and sixty-eight cents each; one coxswain, at four hundred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty cents; three seamen in the department of seamanship, at three hundred and ninety-seven dollars and fifty cents each; twenty-five attendants at recitation rooms, library, store,
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