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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/795

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778 srxrrnrrr CONGRESS. sms. 11. _ cm. 255, 256. 1909. V°°¤¤'¤*°b°*°'*°d- before any vessel provided for in this paragraph shall be purchased or contracted for a vessel of similar construction shall have been constructed complete and of full size for naval warfare and submitted to the Navy Department for such trial and tests as the Secretary of the Navy may, in his discretionifprescribe, and as the result of such tests be demonstrated to have fu lled all the reasonable requirements of naval warfare for such a vessel. ` mQggg;g;*’°” °"" CONSTRUCTION AND MACHINERY! On account of hulls and outfits ' of vessels and steam machine of vessels heretofore authorized, · twenty-two million seven hundred and sixty-six thousand eight pm-ao. hundred and twenty-three dollars: Provided, That no part of the ugm°°f°°°t°f °°1` above appropriation shall be used for the a ent of the construction of any collier the total cost of which Qxceed nine hundred thousand dollars. _ m§,{{f‘°' '“"’ "“‘“‘ Armor: AND ABMAMENT: Toward the armor and armament of domestic manufacture for vessels authorized twelve million four hundred and fifty-two thousand seven hundred and seventy-two W umm dollars: Pr0·m}1ed, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended °'°°for armor forvessels except upon contracts for such armor when awarded by the Secretary of the Navy to the lowest res onsible bidders, hav` in view the best results and most expeditious dialivery: C¤¤¤i¤¤¤- Provided aLs¢il]That contracts for furnishing said armor in a reasonable time, at a reasonable price, and of the required quality can be made with responsible parties. _ . E¤¤ir>¤¤¤¤¢· INcnEAsE or rum NAVY, EQUIPMENT! Toward the completion of the Sqaipment outfit of the new vessels authorized, six hundpred thousand ` o ars. Total increase of the navy, thirty-eight million e ht hundred and nirgcteen lgrousand five hundred and mnefydive dollars. {wise- i , W mmkle , That no part of any sum ereb appropriated under pinmnéiiltregiriréelie “Increase of the navy" shall be used for the pdryiniiht (li any clerical, draft' cr, inspection, and messenger service, or for pay of an of the officruclliassilied force, under the various bureaus of the Navy l)epart— ` ment in Washington, District of Columbia. i;·;¤hrgr;··;r;erBéi;; That no part of arg sum appropriated by this Act shall be used for mem. ° ‘ any expense of the avy Department at Vashington unless s ecilic authority is given by law for such expenditure, except that drafltsmen and other technical employees heretofore aid from "Public works" and “Increase of the navy" and employed) in the N avv De artment at Washington may be continued in employment lin the Navy Department at \Vashington and paid from appropriations "Maintenance," "Construction and re air," “Steam machinery," "Or·dnance ` and ordnance stores," and "ldquipment of vessels," respectively. Approved, March 3, 1909. 3;,,,,.;, 3_ 1g0g_ CHAP. 256.—An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to sell part or all {s.>=55·1.] of the surplus lands of members of the Kaw or Kansas and Osage tribes of Indians in `TpQ),i‘;Q0j Q,._,_j°‘ Oklahoma. and for other purposes. Be it quzcted oy tlge Senate and House of Representati·ves of the United mxehem;. _ _ 1 States cj i-lmemca m (ongress assembled, That the Secretary of the Ot,,QQ‘,§§f,§$§TT}§ ‘"“‘ Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized and empowered, upon ap li- Of;Qm;‘;;;glf‘*l““d‘ cation, to sell, under such rules and regulations as he mav prescribe, ` part or all of the surplus lands of any member of the Kaw or Kansas ,,.0,,,, and Osage tribes of Indians in Oklahoma: Provided, That the sales °*¤S¤1¤¤¤¤— of the Osage lands shall be subject to the reserved rights of the tribe in oil. gas, and other minerals. Approved, March 3, 1909.