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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/796

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Srzss. II. Cris. 257, 258. 1909. 779 CHAP. 257.—.\n Act To amend an Act authorizing the Washington, Spa Springs M¤¤‘0h 3» 1909· and Gretta Railroad Company of Maryland to enter the District of Columbia, approved [S 90%] February eighteenth, nineteen hundred and seven. [Public, No. 310.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section eighteen of an Diwi¤¤<>fG<>1¤¤¤bi¤- Act authorizing the Washirigton, Spa Springs and Gretta Railroad ;·0riiL1iiiicii;¤i;D`iv°(itsfiii Company of Maryland, a corporation created by the laws of the State },'}§,°°g‘,;e§},’“R,.§,*{{f,’,;§S of Maryland and authorized b an Act of Congress approved February VM- 34, r- 896; eighteenth, nineteen hundretfl and seven, to extend its line into the m€°d°d` District of Columbia, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as o ows: “ Sec. 18. That the construction of the said extension on the lines m;’,§f‘“° °* °°“"*“`“°‘ of said railroad company within the District of Columbia shall be commenced within six months from the passage of this Act and shall be completed and cars in operation within one year from the passage of Kctrigi default of wgiclgthiis Ap]`? shlall be void andSof no effect; PT _ Pred, at the trac o the as in on, S a rin s an .""“‘?‘· _ Gretta Railroad shall be located a proximiilidely iii) thepmiddle of bwiigigiigig Bmdms Bladensburg road, as the same shall do ultimately widened to a width of ninety feet; and that the Washington, Spa Springs and Gretta Railroad Company shall, in conjunction with its track construction, grade and macadamize, to such section and profile as is afpfproved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, a width o fteen feet on both sides of its track construction; and that the Washiiigton, °°“" Spa Springs and Gretta Railroad Company shall bear and defray all costs of this widening, which shall be done to the entire satisfaction of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia: And provided _ further, That all the rights, duties, obligations, and requirements as ,tf°"‘“'“‘ “”° °"p°*‘ to permits and deposits contained in the Act of Februaryeighteenth, nineteen hundred and seven, authorizing the Washington, S a Springs and Gretta Railroad Company of Maryland to enter the District of Columbia shall, in conjunction with this amendment, remain in full force and effect." Approved, March 3, 1909. CHAP. 258.—·An Act To provide for the sale of isolated tracts of public land in MafSiih9:fi3iiO9' Imperial County, California. ’]mbuc_ Ngi”`31j;Y` Be it enacted by the Senate and House oflfi msentattves of the United States of A/rrLel"t¢‘fL in 0O’7lg7‘€S·9 IIS8e7H6ft1I, That all the allotted mr- Puhli<g_lim<l¤. ‘ tions of townships thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen, south of ,,§"l$,§}L,§2’,l'{l$Yl,i{§l}Q-T ranges eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen, and of *'g*é;g;;;j;ggjj°*‘· fractional township seventeen south, of ranges fifteen and sixteen, ` all cast of San Bernardino meridian, which are ten chains or less in width and lie between or abut on entered or iatentcd lands, shall bc sold at private sale for cash, at such rice and under such regulations *"i°‘* P" “"’°· as the Secretary of the Interior shall) prescribe, but not at less than [wo dollars and fifty cents an acre: Provided, That any entryman fjtggggpm ,,g,,,S_ _ or owner of such entered or patented tracts shall have a preferred right to buy one-half of all such lots as abut on lands held under his entry or owned by him within six months after the time when the said Secretary shall fix the price of such tracts, and this preferred right shall not prevent such entryman or owner from buying all of any such abutting lots as may remain unsold at the expiration of said six months. Approved, March 3, 1909.