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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/797

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780 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus. 259-261t 1909. gw; CHAP. 259.-An Act To authorize the sale of certain public lands. [Public. No- 311] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United mano naar States of America in Congress assembied, That the Secretary of the nfs}; Interior is authorized and directed to sell, upon sealed bids or at ¤e1»¤n;¤._ public auction, at his discretion, for cash, any or all of the vacant ‘ D°“°“’"°"' public lands in township eight north, range thirty west of the sixth principal meridian, in the tate of Nebraska, which are embraced within the fractional subdivisions which resulted from disconnected Expenses, ew. su.rveys;fand the expenses ofdsngngi sale, includinig the cpsrlofmpublii cation o suc notices as said cretary may irect, s a pai out of the roceeds thereof. U¤° <>¤>¤>°°¤d=- Sec. 2. That the net roceeds of the sales authorized by this Act, shall be pro rated by tliie Secretary of the Interior among and severally paid to the persons or the heirs of the persons who on February thirteenth, nineteen hundred and eight, were the owners of the lands m sections six, seven, erghteen, mneteen, thirty, and thirty—0ne, m township eight north, range twenty-nine west of the sixth principal meridian, in the State of ebraska, in proportion to the loss in area severally sustained by such persons by reason of such disconnected surveys. · • Approved, March 3, 1909. ·“F¤‘¥°€ roiifttitzsrsécaiz indwnma mms [nitric, No. ms.] ’ - Be it the Senate and House of Representatives rj the United

  • ·i·K'k°‘,, umdm f,,, States of America in Congress assembled, That in consideration of the

gggj'{¤fg%¤‘{;}}glEg construction of the Alaska Short Line Railroad in Alaska being mv I 84 610 actually commenced prior to June first, nmeteen hundred and ten, m,,‘},d,,d_ * p" * the time for the completion of the survey and construction of said railroad be, and the same is hereby, extended to a period of three _ yealrs fronlr sx./`iid graph day oil June, zinnohlaprgfni nipetplenshundred M, Og ,,9,;,,,,,,, k, an en: r e , at said company s a e wit the ecreta ¤¤¤¤ii· of the Interior maps of definite location of its line of road, prior ti; the beginning of the construction of any twenty-mile section thereof, V the same to be approved by the Secretary of the Interior as is now ol. 30, p. -110. . X p . ’ required by the ct approved May fourteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, providing for right of way for railroads in the district of Alaska. Approved, March 3, 1909. March 3,1909. CHAP. 2Q1.——An Act To make (lorry, Pennsylvania, a port of delivery in the ___`[I·I._lE;24c§j1L_ district; og gale, fengpsylvzpia, apd plxtepdirrg tohi: the privileges of section seven of [public, yn_ 31.;] er C 0 O GH , Gig 09Il lm TG! am mg y. Be it enacted the Senate and Ilouseecéf Representatives of the United g*,};g{f¤;&_, made K States of America an Congress assembl , That Corry, Pennsylvania, printer! qienamgiaird be, andthe same is hereby, made and consututed a port of delivery {’,g*,§’,,§j,,@,{{§’Q,‘,f ;,,§if in the district of Erie, Pennsjylvama, and that the privileges of section M; S W mg P seven of the Act approyed · une tenth, mghteen hundred and eighty, wif " ‘_ ’ ’ governing the immediate transportation of dutiable merchandise V°‘· 2** P- 1"’· without appraisement be, and the same are hereby, extended thereto. Approved, March 3, 1909.