SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 263. 1909. 783 school sites, and im rovement of buildings and grounds, three hundred thousand dolliirs; In all, one million seven hundred andtwenty-five thousand dollars. For collection and transportation of pu ih: to and from Indian Transpcrrinzpupils. schools, and also for the trans ortation of Iiidian pupils from all the Indian schools and placing of them, with the consent of their parents. under the care and control of such suitable white families as may in all respects be qualined to give such pupils moral, industrial, and educational training, sevent -·five thousand dollars: Provided, That QQ; ,0,,,,,,,],, not exceeding five thousand dollars of this amount may be used, under direction of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, in the transportation and placing of Indian pupils in. positions where remunerative employment can be ound for them in industrial pursuits. The fprovisions of this section shall a ply to native pulpils brought om _ Alaska: Provided, That no Indian pupil under the age of fourteen Y°““‘ °"""'°"· ygars shall be transported at government expense to any Indian school yond the limits o the State or Territory in which the parents of such child reside or of the adjoining State or Territory: Provided further, mdjdw That hereafter white children ma , under rules prescribed by the boammzsenmrs Commissioner of Indian Aiiairs, be admitted to Indian board` schools on the payment of tuition fees at a rate to be fixed in s$d Use or tuition fees. rules: Provided_/`urther, That all tuition fees paid for white children so enrolled shall be deposited in the United States Treasury to . reimburse the fund out of which the school is supported. To enable the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, om time to time as uggwl i¤v¢¤¤s~ he may deem necessary, to detail clerks from his office to make special investigations in the field: Provided, That while thus absent from mm. Washington under such detail they shall receive a per diem of three P°‘ ‘“°"‘· dollars to cover all expenses, exclusive of transportation and sleepingcar fares, three thousand dollars. . To enable the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to conduct experi- 0,Eg'§§’fjg‘f“”‘ *°°‘ ments on Indian school or agency farms, designed to test the possi— ` bilities of soil and climate, in the cultivation of trees, grains, vegetables, and fruits not hitherto raised in those neighbor oods, using Indian labor in the process, five thousand dollars. To enable the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, under the direction Cm 0* **=°*°¤*¤*¤· of the Secretary of the Interior, to make investigations on Indian reservations and take measures for the (purpose o preserving living and owing timber, and removing dea timber, standing or fallen; to acfvrise the Indians as to the proper care of forests, and to conduct _ such timber operations and sales of timber as may be deemed advisable 1mm6mm,, _,,m_ and provided for by law, one hundred thousan dollars, of which ten ¤¤};;;w thousand dollars shall be immediately available: Provided, That this rmmiilon. section shall not apply to the Menominee Indian Reservation in Wisconsin. That hereafter the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, with the approval ,g<>;z{¤0¤g<>: gitgur of the Secretary of the Interior, may designate an employee of the ii.’uthorized.g °’ Indian Office to sign letters of that office requirin the signature of the commissioner or assistant commissioner, and ah sivnatures of such employee while acting under such designation shall have the same force and effect as if made by said commissioner or assistant commissioner. _ That all lands allotted to Indians in severalty, except allotments €,§Q,‘{*“‘°“‘“ "’ °°" made to members of the Five Civilized Tribes and Osage Indians in mkggss ¤f ¤¤i¤¤r¤¤ Oklahoma, may by said allottee be leased for mining pprposes for any " term of years as may be deemed advisable by the cretary of the Interior; and the Secretary of the Interioris hereby authorized to per- R¤s¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ form any and all acts and make such rules and regulations as may necessary for the u se of carrying the provisions of this paragraph into full force and)eiii::t.
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