784 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 263. 1909. E’°*”“’K° °* *““"“ That if an Indian of a tribe whose su lus lands have been or shall hgsiilfziiii M mot- be ceded or bpened to disposal has receiged or shall receive an allotment embracing lands unsuitable for allotment purposes, such allotment may be canceled and other unalppropriated, unoccupied, and unreserved land of equal area, within the ceded portions of the reservation upon which such Indian belongs, allotted to him ripon the same terms and with the same restrictions as the original a otment, and lands described in any such canceled allotment shall be displosed of R,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ ‘ as other ceded lands of such reservation. This provision s all not rzegurmeus. apply to the lands formerly com rising Indian Territory. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized) to prescribe rules and regulations to carry this law into effect. , m¤°°¤¤¤*=°¤=· mscmLLANmoUs. suppuep. Telegraphing, telephoning, and purchase of Indian supplies: To pay the expense of purchasing goods and supplies for the Indian Servunexpemes. ree, including inspection, pay of necessary employees, and all other expenses connected therewith; advertising, at rates not exceeding regular commercial rates; telegraphing and telephoning; and transporting Indian goods and su plies, including expenses of transportation a ents and rent of warehouses, three hundred and fifteen thousand dollars. Ag°“°Y °““‘”¤8°· For buildings and repairs of buildings at agencies, and for rent of buildings for agency purposes, and for water supply at agencies, seventy-five thousand dollars. V¤¤<=i¤¤¤<>¤· d Eor pure vaccine matter and vaccination of Indians, five thousand o ars. m§’g"§¤°§gf§;n°;°··a’§ _To enable the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to pay co1rrt costs, imma mm. witness fees, and other legal expenses incurred rn suits mstrtuted in behalf of or against Indians involving lands allotted to them, two thousand five {hundred dollars, five hundred dollars thereof to be f{{'g”1£§{'éy,S hm immediately available: Prmrided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used ID the payment of attorney’s fees. $g{=¤*’{,{°°°Ijd¤·$jg{· That section ten of the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and amended.,` seventy-five (Eighteenth Statutes at Large, four hundred and fifty- one), be amended so as to read as follows: "Each Indian agent shall keep a book of itemized expenditures of every kind, with a record of all contracts, together with the receipts of moneys from all sources, and the books thus kept shall always be open to inspection; and the said books shall remain in the office at the respective reservations, not to be removed from said reservation by said agent, but shall be safely A¤¤¤¤¤ ¤‘¤1>¤¤· kept and handed over to his successor and he shall report annually to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs all material on hand and not {__’;g?¤·mm“ in required for his use: Provided, That should any agent knowingly make transcripts, ew. any false entry in said books, or shall knowingl fail to keep a erfect entry in said books as herein prescribed, he shallrbe deemed guility of a misdemeanor and, on conviction before any United States court hav- F‘¤¤¤¤¤v- ing jurisdiction of such offense, shall be fined in a sum not less than five hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, at the discretion of the court, and shall be rendered incompetent to hold said office of Indian agent after conviction under said Act." dum of %pp¤»;i~i·s¤— That any moneys appropriated in this Act for the eneral incidental ,§,',{,§‘,§$§‘§_' °"°“ "` expenses of the Indian service 111 certain States and 'lilamitories, including traveling expenses of agents, which are not needed in the articular States or Territories for which provided may be used for the same kind of expenses elsewhere, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior. · FortLapwaiScho0l. To pay certain individual Indians of the Fort La Wai School, the I aeimmpsemenc pr sum o five hundred and sixteen dollars and eighty-eight cents, to reim- ,,',£g"§,_",i,_ °’ 1*** I bur-se them for moneys said to have been deposited rn the safe at said school and stolen there from by burglars on the night of October elev-
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/801