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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/807

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790 QSIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 263. 1909. ` 1¤¤i¤¤¤¤¤¤· For general incidental expinses oaf the Id*h°» · · ‘ xpgpse one · ron mu Bums- m?;;;- c 1b1:;€; ine rogigorllsgllil lhs Act of March first, J1i116¢00¤ mlgrigntion. hundred and seven ('Fhirty-fourth_ Statutes at Large, palgp one "°‘-‘*·'*’· "“" thousand and twenty-four), authorizing the Secretary of the terror to acquire lands and other property necessary ur constructing a reservoir for storing water for the purplose of ungating lands on the Fort Hall Reservation in Idaho and ose cede by the of said Reservgtilon, and! fprlpsppstmctganmoifpe system determined on, o , rerrn u a . _ _ mms anamonmd °u'I‘Illa\l;¤t1l: of the Interior be and he is hereb£ authorized 4wH"",,¤w,ifi°°.ll°uéw, to invest' te and settle the e uitable claims of Ne Anderson, °*¢***¤¤ °‘· I l William Ninchell, and others vghose lands or improvements, held under possessory claims, have been or will damaged by reason of the construction of said reservoir, for which purpose the sum of . twenty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necesrs erebted. c0qn·u·A1•mR¤¤· enlable trhgpgerlifeltmary of the Interior to c0mplp1tge_th¢;1sué·vey, “§‘,,,‘},F’,,‘}*,I$l,.{,_"°‘ allotment, classification, and a prarsement of the lan in the oeur d’Alene Reservation, Idaho, iiflleen thousand dollars. Prmnded, That this sum shall be reimbursed to the United States from the proceeds of the sale of the surplus lands after the allotments are made. manners. suosnorms Arm (furpszatgr.) (Fon snosnorms, sm: a . gggsz F f h'an te h r, enter, miller · **~"`**°·*" . B*‘€.`ZZ,i..mt.‘f’..J’.?’i,i;1k.¥2.r¥YiT“.. 3..]. $2.5. ..3. of t?. of ‘ July third, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, five thousand dollars. coenrdunenes. comm D’ALENES. (TREATY.) - _ ac . - F f blacks 'th, a enter and physician and_ urchase of ¥'}’l‘gn£°gf medidirligyj gs per thlduelevgnlth article of agreement, ranged by Act of March, eighteen hundred and nmety-one, three thousand dollars. I·¤¤¤¤iAs¤¤¤Y· mnraus ronumrnr OF LEMHI AGENCY, mano. ¤¤¤¤ ¤* F h hird t th I th i l "v , of the twent installments, eézlndglglfgrgetrlg as pgdrgidid in theagrzeniddtlwithutheslniliam of Fort llrall and Lemhi "°'·"’·’·“”“· agencies, Idaho, approved February twenty-third, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, to be used b the Secretaryx of the ntenor for the benefit of the Indians removed, to Fort Hall_ eservation_from Agency, Idaho, lin such manner as the President may d1rect, thirty- six thousand do lars. Iowa. sac AND Fox sono0L. ammo roxschwl. For support and education of eighty Indian pupils at the Indian school on the Sac and Fox Reservation, Iowa, an for pay of superintendent, fourteen thousand Eve hundred and sixty do lars; For neral repairs and improvements, three thousand dollars; In ad? seventeen thousand ve hundred and sixty dollars. Kansas. KANSAS. HASKELL INSTITUTE. H•¤*°“ I"****¤*¤· F rt and ed c t' n of seven hundred and fifty Indian bmw uphg litpide sghgol? Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kansas, For transportation of pupils to and from said school, and for pay of