SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 263. 1909. 789 mitted lay the Confederated Bands of Ute Indians in Colorado " for the s e of their reservation in said State, and for other purposes, and to make the neeemary appropriations for carrying out the same" (Twenty-first Statutes, dpage one hundred and ninety-nine), vol. 21, p. m. jurisdiction is ereby conferre upon the Court of Claims to hear, determine, and render final `udgment, with right of appeal as in other cases, on the claims and rights of said Indians under said agreement, including the value of al? lands ceded by the said Indians which have been set apart and reserved from the public lands as public reservations or for other public uses under existing laws and rocla-_ mations of the_ President, as if disposed of under the publi)c—land laws of the United States, as provided b said agreement, and the money due therefor; and the court shall, set off against any sum Perpetual mm foun due said Indians the amount paid to them under the fifth f°{}?,i_m_,_m,_ section of said Act of June fifteenth, eighteen hundred andhty, being fifty thousand dollars per annum u to the date of rexilhtion of final judgment in this cause, also any other sum or sums that shall be found to be properly chargeable under the terms of said agreement and also any sum or sums paid by the United States to or for the benefit of said Indians, whether as a gratuity or otherwise, except such sums as have been paid for a specific purpose- and an adequate consideration and the credit of one miHion two hundred T¤’¤¤*¤¤**°¤ °*·¤*¤· and fifty thousand dollars set apart in the Treasuiyg by the terms of said agreement, upon which said annuity has en estimated, shall, upon the rendition of final `uggment m this cause, cease to exist as a trust fund, and from and er the date of said judgment no annuity shall be estimated or paid therefrom; and the action herein authorized shall be consolidated with cause congressional numbered eleven thousand two hundred and forty-eight, now pending in said court, for the purpose of using at the trial thereof all evi- _dence which has been ad uced in said pending cause, and shall be commenced by petition under the title of said pending cause and shall be conducted by the attorney of record now appearing therein, or by any attorney by him specifically authorized to appear; and the Attorney—General shall continue to a pear and represent the United States; and in rendering judgment herein the court shall fix upon S“·t}°**:¤°Y’¤ °°¤¤P¤¤· a quantum meruit and set apart just and reasonable compensation ` to the attomeys on behalf of plaintiffs who have rendered actual services in prosecuting said claim before the committees of Congress and in conducting the said cause before the courts in the name of the attorney of record in said pending cause, or any attorney by him specifically authorized, and said compensation shall be paid to P•¥¤•=¤*~ such attorney by the Secretary of the Treasury out of any money in the Treasury arising from the sale of said ceded lands or from the roceeds of said `udgment, and the balance of said judgment shall be held in the Tieasu for the benefit of said Indians as a trust fund, and the interest thereon shall be distributed annually to them 0,Q:;:jf*¤****¤**°¤ in accordance with the terms of said Act of June fifteenth, eighteen hundred and eightfy; and the said cause shall be advanced -in hearing by the Court o Claims, and by the Supreme Court of the United States if the same shall be appealed. mano. ““*°· For a superintendent in charge of agency and educational matters ,,,,°f,’°,i‘§,_° ‘“°“° R°* on the Coeur d’Alene Reservation, Idaho, one thousand two hun- ¤¤1>¢¤¤¢¤¤¤·=¤¢- dred dollars. For support and civilization of the Shoshones and Bannocks, Sheep- mu R°*“`“` eaters, and other Indians of the Fort Hall Reservation in Idaho, d£¤£1>¤r¤.¤¤<>-.¤f1¤~ including pay of employees, thirty thousand dollars.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/806