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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/809

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792 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 263. 1909. theses me rox or sA0s AND Foxns or tum nnssoum. (mmm.) scnwr. ‘ For su ort of a chool er fifth article of treat of March sixth v°l' u"'u7°' eigpteen hiindred and_sixt;y?one, two hundred dollais. , John x. nm. hat the Secretary of the Tre be and he is hereby, author-

  • ’“Y"‘°”‘ *°·°"°· ized and directed to pay to John Hey] upon surren er of the

certincates herein referred to, from the funds of the Kaw Indians in his possession, which have been set aside for the payment of certain claims, now in his possession, the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars the same to be accepted infull payment and discharge of seven hundred and fifty dollars of Kaw scnp and the interest thereon. ’“°*‘*¥'“‘· MICHIGAN. MOUNT mnassm SCHOOL. _c{_¤0·;;¤¤¢ P1••¤¤¤¤ For support and education of three hundred Indian pupils at the ` Indian school, Mount Pleasant, l\rI.rch&xg`an, and for pay of superintendent, fifty-one thousand eight hun ed dollars; For neral repairs and improvements, four thousand dollars; In adffifty-five thousand eight hundred dollars. ¥i¤¤=¤¤¤•· MINNESOTA. Agana. For a of Indian nt at the Leech Lake en Minn uecnmenmcy. P Y _ *36 A8 055 mts, one thousand er ht hun red dollars. @,f;;,f° E“"" Fgcpagrlpf lgndian agent at White Earth, one thousand eight un dollars. Monms SCHOOL. norm schgol- That there is hereby granted to the State of Minnesota u on the Gum of t Sum terms and conditions ereinafter named, the following-dqiscribgd property, known as the Indian school at Morris, Minnesota, and more particularly described as follows, to wit: D¤=¤¤r>¤<>¤· All those several tracts and parcels of land situate, I, and being in the county of Stevens and State of Minnesota, arildndescribed as follows: The northeast uarter of the southwest uarter, the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, the southeast qluarter of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section t irty-six, township one hundred and twenty-five north, range fortptwo west, containing eighty acres. Beginning at the puarter post, being the southwest corner of the northewest quarter o section thirty-one, township one hundred and twenty-five north, range fort y-one west of the fifth principal meridian; running along the county road (Morris, Minnesota, to Glenwood, Minnesota), or along the established line of the said count road, running from said quarter post north sixty-three degrees andr thirt minutes east one and fifty-six one—hundredths chains; thence north sixty-one degrees east eight and thirteen one-hundredths chains; thence north erg}hty-seven degpees and twenty-five minutes east seven and seven one- undredths c ams; thence north sixty-nine degrees and thirty minutes east fourteen and eighty-five one-hundredths chams; thence north seventy-seven degrees east twenty-seven chains; thence leaving the said county road and runnin north twenty—ve chains to a point on the north boundary line of said section thirty-one, townshrrilone hundred and twenty-five, range forty-one, fifteen chains east of t c northeast corner of the northwest quarter of said section thirty-one, townshrp one hundred and twenty-five, range forty-one;