SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 263. 1909. 793 thence west along the said north boxmda line of said section thirt - one, township one hundred and twenty-iiyve, range forty-one, to the northwest corner of the northwest quarter of section thirty-one, township one hundred and twenty-five, range forty-one; thence south alonlgrthe west boundary line of said section thirty-one, township one hun ed and twenty-five, range forty4me, to the place of , exgept twelve and nine—tenths acres of land owned by the orthern Exception. Pc Railroad Company, being used for railroad right of way and special snow-fence purposes. Also all that part o the east half of the southwest uarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty-six, township oneqhrmdred and twenty-five north, range forty-two west of the fifth principal meridian, i11 Stevens Cormt , Minnesota, lying south of the county road from Morris to Cyrus, Minnesota, containing fifteen acres. And at the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of section thu·ty-six, township one hundred and twenty-five, range forty- two; thence south eleven and five one-hundredths chains, east three and sixteen one-hundredths chains, south two and fifty-seven onehundredths chains, to the Cyrus and Morris public road; thence easterly along the north line o said road to a point on the east line of the northwest quarter of the southeast uarter of section thirt -six, seven and twenty-five one-hundredths chains south of the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty-six ; thence north seven and twenty-five one—hundredths chains to said northeast corner; thence west to the place of beginning, containiuig twenty-two and one—half acres. An the south half of the south half of the northwest uarter of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section (thirty-six, townshap onelhlrfrndred and twenty-five, range forty-two, containing two an one- a acres, And lot numbered three of county subdivision of unplatt.ed_ part of east half of section thirty-five, township one hundred and twenty- five, range forgy—two, containing eiglgt and seventy-five one—hundredths acres, escribed as follows: mmencing at a point on the north side of the county road leading from Morris to Cyrus, Minne- · sota_, six hundred and eighty-eight feet from the southeast corner of section thirty-five, township one hundred and twenty-five north, range forty-two west; thence north eight hundred and eight -seven feet, west four hundred and forti feet, south six hundred and forty- six feet; thence southeast three undred and ninety-one feet to said count road; thence northeast along said county road two hundred and thirty-two feet to the (place of beginning. Aggregatingltwo hundre and ninety acres, with buildings, improve- T°‘°‘ °°'°“¤°· ments, and other appurtenances thereon. Pmvided, That said lands and buildings shall be held and main- QQ:-pupils em tained by the State of Minnesota as an agricultural school, and that ' Indian {pupils shall at all times be admitted to such school free of charge or tuition and on terms of equality with white pupils. Provided further, That this grant shall be effective on July first, A°°°P°°”°°°‘¤”“‘- nineteen hundred and ten, if before that date the State of Mirmesota, by its legislature, shall, by a bill or joint resolution, accept the terms of this grant, and in said event the said State of Minnesota shall file with the Secretary of the Interior a certified copy of said act or joint resolution, whereupon this grant shall take effect without E¤¤°°· further act; and the indorsement of the Secretary of the Interior u on a certified copy of said act or joint resolution of the legislature of)the State of Minnesota, showing the date of the filing thereof with the said Secretary of the Interior, and showing) said date to be prior to July first, nineteen hundred and ten, shall c competent proof m all courts of record of the filing of such certified copy of suc act or joint resolution.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/810