SIXTIETH_CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 263. 1909. 797 onows. (mmm.) ¤r¤w¤- For pay of physician as per tenth article oi the treat f Ma F¤\¤¤1i¤s¤¤w· saeggnghileighteen hundred and sixty-eight, one thousand {wth hun}- V°1'15'p‘°°2‘ o ars· For pay oi_ carpenter, miller, engineer, farmer, and blacksmith, as per tenth article of same treaty, three thousand six hundred dollars; For pay of second blacksmrth, as per eighth article of same treaty, one thousand two hundred dollars; In all, six thousand dollars. rworaumm crmrnrmns nm nuances. (ramnr.) ,,Y,§‘T},,°,,",{,'f,{‘e$f¥'°““°’ For subsistence and civilization as r agreement with the Sioux S°¤¤i¤**¤°°· °°°· ruams approved February tyeity-5g11th, e l1b06I1 hundred 1111.1 ”°"“’* "”°· seventy-seven, mcludrng subsistence and civihza` tion of Northern ` Ctppyennes remloved f§o31£ilnse Ridge Agency to Tongue River, Mona, mnety thousand o ; For pay of ph ician two teachers two carpenters, one miller P `¤*·¤·•*¢- two farmers, a blgxksmith, and engineer, per seventh article of the vTm'P'“ treaty of May tenth, eighteen hrmdred and sixty-eight, nine thou- “‘“1§’. d‘i1”“”’ th .1 .1 ll a , ninet -nine thousand dollars. _` That any ofy the withdrawn imder the reclamation Act in 1 C], Rmwggopm pursuance of the provisions of section five of the Act of Congress u1·`a•u¤11. approved April twenléy-seventh, nineteen hundred and four, entitled °‘·“·’·”'* ‘ An Act to ratify an amend an aglreement with the Indians of the Crow Reservation, in Montana, an making appropriations to carry the same into effect," which are not dis ose of within five years from the date of the passage of said Act hall remain subliect to disposaltculnder the provisionsf oi the! reclamation Act rmt' otherwise ' y t tary o the terior. For the employment of “Line Riders" along the southern and east- Be°;g;*v*;g;]Ch¤¥¤¤¤¤ ern boundary o the Northern Cheyenne In ian Reservation in the __s_11ip1ely£11e11e .1: State of Montana, one thousand ive hundred dollars is hereby appro- L"‘° Ri "“‘ priated, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary o the nterior. R NEB ASKA_ Neumka. ormoa SCHOOL. For the support and education of three hundred Indian pupils at °°“°" “°*'°°‘· the Indian school of Genoa, Nebraska, fifty thousand four hundred dollars, and for pay of superintendent, one thousand seven hundred doll . Fblrsgeneral repairs and improvements, one thousand dollars. To replace brick barn destroyed by fire, five thousand dollars. In all, fifty-eight thousand one hundred dollars. wmumnaoons. (rnmarr.) · wmemm For interest on eight hundred and four thousand nine hundred and °“”°"' °°”‘ nine dollars and seventeen cents, at fiveaper centum per annum_, per fourth article of treaty of November rst, eighteen hundred and v°L 7"‘“°' thirty-seven, forty thousand two hundred and orty-five dollars and forty-five cents , and the Secretary of the Interior rs herevbiy duiected _ to ex end said interest for the support, education, and 01 ization of °"’“““°“· °‘°· said Ihdians, to be e nded in such manner and to whatever extent that he may judge to? necessary and expedient for their welfare and best interest; 80893-voL rr 1-09--52
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