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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/813

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796 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 263. 1909. ’°"°’***°*’°°°",°** "Sec. 22. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, awwwauthorized, in his discretion, to reserve from location, entry, sale,_ or other appropriation all lands within said Flathead Indian Reservation aspen to congress. chiefly valuable for power sites or reservoir sites, and he shall report to Congress such reservations." §‘g}*"°{,_,‘*'*‘=· M That section eleven of the Act of April twenty-third, nineteen hun-

 dred and four (Thirty-third Statutes at Large, page three hundred

and two) entitled ‘ ‘An Act for the survey an allotment of lands now embraced within the limits of the Flathead Reservation in the State of Montana, and the sale and disposal of all surplus lands after allotment," be amended to read as fo ows: sue or mmmua- "Sec. 11. That all merchantable timber on said lands returned and '°l° °”'°°" classified b said commission as timber lands shall be sold and disposed of b the §cretary of the Interior for cash, under sealed bids or at public auction, as the Secretary of, the Interior may determine, and sfrgjgku under such regulations as he may prescribe: Provided, That after the sale and removal of the timber such of said lands as are valuable for a 'cultural purposes shall be sold and disposed of by the Secretary o¥‘t‘he_I)1;terior in such manner and nmder such regulations as he may rescn ." ` 1,***** f'°¤'*, 1******** P To enable the Secretary of the Interior to comlplete the survey, Aixeemeuz, ew., or allotment, classification, and apéiraisement of the ands in the Fort l‘“°"“‘ Peck Indian Reservation in the tate of Montana, fifty thousand dolmmo. lars: Provided, That this sum shall be reimbursed to the United States °““"’“"“"""* from this proceeds of the sale of the surplus lands after the allotments are ma e. ¤=°¤° N°*“**=*** That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereb , authorized RIsii1`;°drii°•fh°¤I¤Iy` and directed to cause to be appraised the south half bf southwest quarter of northeast quarter and south half of south half of northwest uarter; the north half of southwest quarter of section twenty-eight; tlhe south half of south half of northeast quarter and the north half of north half of southeast quarter of section twenty-nine, in township twent —seven north, range forty-four east, Montana meridian, in the Fort Rock Indian Reservation, for the purpose of granting the same to the Great N orthem Railway Company for a ballast pit or ballasting its railway, and upon appraising said land the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to convely the same to said railwa upon such terms as he may deem advisab e. If the sale of said land, shall interfere with any improvements of an individual Indian, provision shall D•m•z¤¤.¤¤c. be made for the payment of damages, and the amount of damages awarded shall be paid to such Indian subject to the control of the Secretary of the Interior as to the funds of mcompetent Indians, and neaxioemem. if the sale of said land interferes with any allotment, such allottee shall be entitled to reallotment. ¤·¤• ¤f i¤*¤¤*·=·***¤· That the Act of Congress approved May thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, entitled "An Act for the survey} and allotment of ed·?“"· *’· *“·“***°**"‘ lands now embraced within the limits of the Fort eck Indian Reservation, in the State of Montana, and the sale and disposal of all the su lus lands after allotment," be, and it is hereby, amended by adding thereto section seventeen, as follows: rmmumu ¢e¤¤,2€· "Sec. 17. That the lands allotted, those retained or reserved, ’°"’· and the surplus lands sold or otherwise dislposed of shall be subject for a [period of twenty-tive years to all the laws of the United States prohi iting the introduction of intoxicants into the Indian country, mum nreaees. and that the Indian allottees, whether under the care of an Indian ent or not, shall for a like period be subject to all the laws of the Iijized States prohibiting the sale or other disposition of intoxicants to dians.’ I¤<=i<¤¤¤¤*¤ For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Montana ipcluding traveling expenses of agents, two thousand five hundred ollars;