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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/816

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 263. 1909. 799 heretofore included in allotments made to Indians under the fourth section of the general allotment Act, the Secretary of the Interior V¤1·M.1>-Sw be, and he hereby is, authorized to make uch arran ment and agreement in reference thereto as said Secretary deems Idr the best _ mterest of the Indians: Promkled, That no lien or charge for con- mmm struction, operation, or maintenance shall therebibe created against me°iv.Q°¤i1lmdLi°°`i°°° any such lands: Providcdfurther, That to meet the necessary cost of “"°“"* °’°°"· carrying out this legislation the Secrepxy of the Interior is authorized to expend, out of the sum apprplpria in this Act for irrigation, an amonmt not exceeding thirteen ousand dollars. NEW MEXICO_ New Mexico. (San Amzoxn ron "Surron·r aim orvnaznrou or run APACHE, ann so roa·r¤," nw Amzoiu asn Naw Mmxrco.) Arnnqumncun SCHOOL. . - For su port and education of three hundred Indian pupils at the *“""¤“°"*“°'°"°°‘· Indian sclhool at Albuquergue, New Mexico, and for pay of superintendent, fifty-one thousan ’ nine hundred dollars; General repairs and improvements thousand dollars; In all, fifty-six thousand nine hundred dollars. _ saxwrn mu sono0L. For su port and education of three hundred Indian pupils at the ’•°“’°’°*‘°°‘· J `Indian sclhool at Santa Fe, New Mexico, and for pay o superintendent, fifty-one thousand nine hundred dollars; _ For general repairs and improvements, Eve thousand dollars; . For water supply, one thousand six hundred dollars; In all, fifty-cig t thousand five hundred dollars. · _ For pay of one special attorney for the Pueblo Indians of New K'{{*,,"},']g,{{‘*"·“'· Mexico, one thousand five hundred dollars; And for necessary traveling and incidental expenses of said attorney, five hundred dollars; In all, two thousand dollars. · For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in New '“°*“°““"’· Mexmh ipcfuding traveling expenses of agents, one thousand five nm o lars. · For the construction of a bridge across the San Juan River, near §,{)¤nj;*;gc*}§*]f;· 0, Shi rock School, in the Nava'o Indian Reservation, in the Territory tum. of New Mexico, ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be . necessary: Prmrided, That no part of this appropriation sha} be m@ii¤¤,sw, available until the proppr officer of the Indian ureau shall investi- - gate and report that the work contemplated can be completed for the amount herein appropriated. _ _ _ For completion of the irrigation system on the Zuni Reservation m{_““"'"*"“°“P’°*‘ in New Mexico, twenty-Eve thousand dollars, to be immediately available. _

   Lew York.

For pay of Indian agent at the New York Agency, New York, one 1Lif,',,}_'°,{,'§_‘*“°“°"· thousand dollars. For pay of physician, New York Agency, six hundred dollars. smmcas or rmw Yon:. (mmm.) . For permanent annuity, in lieu of interest on stock,_per Act of Iii?}`:}. gepruary nineteenth, eig teen hundred and thirty-one, six thousand V°‘·‘·P·‘“ o ars;