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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/817

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800 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sues. II. Ch. 263. 1909. {}{}f';*;; x5_ For interest, in lieu of invenment, on seventy-nve thousand dol- ` ’lars, at nve r centum, par Act of June twenty-seventh, eighteen huadred andwforty-six, thee thousand seven hundred an nfty dollars; For interest, at nve per oentum, on forty-three thousand and nfty dollars transferred from the Ontario Bank to the United States Treasury, per Act of June twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and forty-six, two thousand one hundred and fifty-two dollars and nfty cents; In all, eleven thousand nine hxmdred and two dollars and nfty g cents. , ¤¤N·¤°¤* six Narrous or unw rom:. (·rnmA·rr.) ·*¤¤¤*°Y· For permanent annuity in clothing and other useful articles per v°1`7'p'“° sixth article of treaty of November eleventh seventeen hundred and ninety-four, four thousand nve hundred dollars. %‘”‘“{,:;_f· ,0 That the Secretary of the Treasu is hereby authorized and credirorpnlbc- directed to place on the books of the to the credit of the Seneca Indians of New York the sum of one undred and eighteen thousand and nfty dollars, and such sum shall bear interest at the rate of nve per centum(per annum until withdrawn from the ’1‘reasury for payment to the In ians as hereinafter provided, being the value of stocks held in trust for the Indians and taken by the United States, and canceled under authority of the Act of June twenty-seventh, ¥<>1·¤.1;i8¤¤djm,bu_ eighteen hundred and forty-six (Ninth Statutes at Laage, page ami.`, up thirty-nve), and the Secretary of the Interior is authorize to pay per capita to the members of the tribe entitled thereto the said sum under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, in the same manner as rovided by the Act of AIpril twenty-nrst, nineteen hundred V°'- ”· P-”°‘· and four (Thirty-third Statutes at arge, page two hundred and one), N<>¤¤ ¤·¤·¤¤·-NORTH CAROLINA. cunnoxnn SCHOOL. C"°’°"°° '°*’°°*· For sup ort and education of two hundred pu ils at the Indian 8 P agian! fat hErokee,dl\E;orthhCar(§>li1‘;a, agdt for payd 05 superintendent, y- our thousand wo un re an wenty dollars; d Em- general repairs and improvements, one thousand nve hundred o ars· In all, twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars.

    • 0**** ¤¤*¤*·~ NORTH DAKOTA.

‘ m;‘*c{°¥_,{féen’;§,’}““*“¤ D 1;:1; pay of gre Indilanl agent at the Standing Rock Agency, North a oa wo thousand oars. dé’E§;§nIj{;*__SgQ};; 5vI;`¢n·hs)nugp·p1rital1(id!;;1iSvihzation of Sioux of Devils Lake, North Dakota, _,;';`,;} B°'°"°“’ _ For support and civilization of Indians at Fort Berthold Agency, d,.:gP°¤· ¤°¤--0* ¥¤· rin HNorth Dakota, mcluding pay of employees, twenty thousand o ars. cchhbxhiihlgieiomw N F3; Bnjlimtent txhsucgielndians <}f fthe Igo;t_Berl;l1<;lddN'e;bservation L1; or aoaas e crearyo e rnorsa t gntitiledlghereto, téhe value cifueertain horses condimnslclcanhuillggtrdyed t e ureauo a ustryinmneteen 11 d d ° d nineteen hundred and seven, the said value to {be alscelitnainild diid determined liynghe said Secretary, thirteen thousand eight hundred and sixty do , or so much thereof as may be necessa . y,'{,“,{"° ’°°"'"““ For support and civilization of Turtle Mountain band oflghippewas, North Da ota, including seeds, thirteen thousand dollars.