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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/822

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 263. 1909. 805 That allottees of the Cherokee, Choctaw, and Chickasaw nations, m$,h¤g,},g¤hg_P°¢¤f,l*· having remnant allotments due them of not exceeding Iift dollars aim W ` in value, shall be paid twice the value thereof in lieu of such allotment, w;‘§§,$,“€m,'§, fjjfjf by check from the tribal funds of their respective tribes. The Sec- gmkghu I .1 retasy of the Interior is directed immediately after July first, nineteen iucniiife. °° ° ` hun red and nine and prior to December first, nineteen hundred and nine, to pag allottees out of the funds of the Creek Nation, the amounts severally ue for the equalization of their allotments. In making p,,,.,,,.,,,, ,0 ,,,0,, such pamnt for the equalization of the Creek allotments e` ht hun- °°°°· dred_do shall be t as the standard value of an allotment: hmm. Provided, That the payment of such fimds for the equalization T"°“1“°°"°‘“°“" of allotment shall be a final and conclusive settlement of all claims for the equalization of allotments in the Creek Nation: And provided further, That as a condition precedent to any such payment the of-*°*¤°**¤°¤¤¢¤* Creek National Council shall pax an Act, in form a proved by the ° Secretary of the Interior, the United States from all claim and demand on this account. The tribal councils when meeting shall receive compensation only ,,,{{,§]"“‘,,},’,§’,§‘,,‘§§‘,,$‘°“ °‘ for the length of time authorized by the Secretary of the Interior. The town-lot payments in default shall not work forfeiture if pa - ,,%°1,,,°‘$°,,}f’,,f,‘{_' ment, with ten per centum interest from date of such default, is made °°¤· before December first, nineteen hundred and nine. All rights to m8*¤*¤°*¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· acquire land for allotment by Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen shall cease December first nineteen hundred and ten. The surface only ,,°,§§"§f,‘,}“,f‘,§’{§*f,,'f,${,f,‘ of the segregated coal and asphalt lands of the Choctaw and Chickasaw nation shall be subject to condemnation under the laws of the State of Oklahoma for state penal institutions, county and municipal purposes and for sewers and water systems: Provided, That the gm title to the surface of any lands so con emned shall revert to the Choctaw and Chickasaw nation upon its cow? to be used for the purpose for which it was condemned and the tri al relation is hereby continued for such urpose and no title to any mineral rights in said lands so condemned) shall be acquired hereunder. The Court of Claims is hereby authorized to allow, and, upon such @§c’§‘LP;Q:;_$¤· allowance, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby directed to pay ' out of the sum awarde to the Eastern Cherokees, under the judgment of the Sgpreme Court of the United States, October term, nineteen hund and five, to the several members of the council of the Eastern Cherokees, the sum of five dollars per diem each for the Engg: {OST; glowperiod they severally rendered service in lgoing to and from and °° "` attending the counci s of the Eastern Chero ees, as shall be certified to the Court of Claims by the lpresident and secretary of the council, and otherwise established to the satisfaction of said court: Provided, §’f,"{:;;,m_ That in no event shall the amount thus paid exceed five thousand ollars. To reimburse Doctor G. W. Harkins, of Coalgate, Oklahoma, for gé&bE:;;;¤¤;t services rendered and expenses incurred in sup ressing the spread ° ` of smallpox in Indian Territory from June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, to August eighth, nineteen hundred and one, six hundred and thirty-four dollars and fifteen cents, the same to be accepted by said Doctor G. W. Harkins in· full payment of all demand or suc services and expenses. V cnocraws. (mmm.) ¤¤¤¤*-•*¤· For permanent annuity, r second article of treaty of November $§L"‘!,“,§j,,_ sixteenth, eighteen hundredpdnd five, and thirteenth article of treaty V¤1-1l.v·¤1•- of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand dollars;