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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/821

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804 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 263. 1909. SP°°*°·* °*°'*“· °°°· _ For s ial clerical force in the office of the United States Indian agent, Chien Afgency, and miscellaneous expenses in connection with ente0 remittances received on account of payments of town lots lair-lid issuance of atents, six thousand dollars. I·°“°”· °‘°· For clerical work and lager connected with the leasing of Creek and Cherokee lands for mineral and other purposes, and the leasing of V¤1.=¤.1··14¤- lands of full-blood Indians under the Act of April twenty-sixth, nlineteend léupdred and six, and Acts amendatory thereto, thirty thousand dollars. msgs ¤f r¤¤¤1¤w<i For appraising, clerical work and labor connected with the sale ‘ gfurestrrcted lands, Five Civilized Tribes, twenty-five thousand 0 ars. ¤¤¤¤¤v·1 ¤f i¤¤‘¤¤· For the u ose of removmg' intruders and lac` allottees in m' unrestricted) plgssession of their allotments, to be elirlgended under tlhel direction of the Secretary of the Interior, seventeen thousand 0 ars. F~¤¤¤<>*e* ¤* •-“¤·- To enable the Secreta of the Interior to carry out the rovisions uiiimrfea-iii13a`:' of the Act approved A twenty-first, nineteen hundredpand four, A""- P- m and section one of the got of May twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eight, for the removal of restrictions EFOD the alienation of lands of allottees of the Five Civilized Tribes, teen thousand dollars. name agen. nrsrmcr scams. ¤*'*'*°¤· **° Supplemental to the fnmds appropriated and available for expenses connected with the affairs of the Five Civilized Tribes, there is hereby appropriated for the salaries and expenses of district agents and other employees connected with the work of such agents, out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of ninety thourmmsamely avail- sand dollars, to be immediate y available as the Secretary of the °°}‘§,,,.,, ,,.,,,¤,..,..d_ Interior may direct; and all powers heretofore conferred by law on Am- P- m- said diatrict agents, who wemddwignagpdl by tate; of May twenty- sevent , nineteen un re an e` t 'rt — tatutes at Lar e, page three hundred and twelve)l:gas "l0cal1representatives ” of 'die nam. retarliy of the Interior, are continued in full orce and effect: Pro-

  • "*'”"‘°"°’°"°‘ vided, at the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to

employ of such district agents such number, not exceeding five, as he deems proper, to perform like duties as those now performed by them among the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma in other portions of that tate. scnoons. §'§{}§‘,L',f,{‘,,°,§’,§f",,,,,_ For the maintenance, strengthening, and enlarging of the tribal schools of the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole nations, and making Iprovision for the attendance of children of parents of other than ndian blood therein, and the establishment of new schools under the control of the Department of the Interior, the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be p aced in the hands of the Secretary of the Interior, and disbursed by him under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe. c01n·Lm·rroN or run wonx. C0‘fD°g]»;*g§,{{¤ '°"‘ °* For the completion of the work heretofore re uired by law to be done by the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes, one hundred and forty_tl1ousand dollars, said appropriation to be disbursed under the directron of the Secretary of the Interior, and the Secretary of the Interior is directed to so disburse this a pro xiation as to complete said work by July first, nineteen hundred) and) ten.