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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1201

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1909. 2243 or reserved for any public purpose other than for Indian occu ancy and use under such Executive Orders, be subject to, and shall not mterfere with or defeat le al rights under such appropriation, or prevenlt the use for such lpuihlhc purpose oil lands so reserved, so long as suc appropriation is eg y mamtaine , or such reservation remains in force. This proclamation shall not' prevent the settlement and entry of *¤*°“”“'°"¤”"*- any lands heretofore o ened to settlement and ent under the Act · of Congress approved Irme eleventh, nineteen hunged and six, en- V°‘·*"·P·’“- titled, "An Act to provide for the entry of Agricultural lands within forest reserves." ‘ IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the Citfy of Washington this second da of March, in the year 0 our Lord one thousand nine liundred and nine, [SEAL.] gnddpfdthedhpependlzrge of the United States the one un e an t irty-t. Tnnonomn Roosnvnnr By the President: ` Ronnnr Bacon Secretary of State. Br rms Pnnsrnnm or rrm Unrrnn Srarns or Amnmca Mme 2» 1*9- A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, an Executive Order dated July` second, nineteen hun- “'§"*g;}Y N°“°¤°* Fw dred and eight, changed the boundaries of the rinity National Forest gmrirbrgin to egllarace ppritions of the Trinity, Shasta, Klamath, and Stony XI,’{;5.'§`j,_£,°';,m% Cree 'ationa orests; mz.; ·PP·'» And whereas, it appears that the public good will be promoted by including in the Trinity National orest certain lands wrthrn the State of California, shown on the diagram hereto attached and forming a part hereof, which are in Jmrt covered wrth trmber, and which constitute a part of the Hoopa alley Indian Reservation, estabhshed by Executive Order dated une twenty-tlnrd, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, and modified by subsequent Orders, _ Um X H __ 1d Now, therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United v,,.{‘§,-f‘,,T,{,}§_“"·" · States of America, by virtue of the power rn me vested by the Act of Congress, approved une fourth, erg rteen hundred and nrnety-seven, . entigd, "An Actfliwfakilngfiappfoprration? for Surrdry cryrltelprpenies of the ovemment or the sca rear em mg une ur- re , ergr een hundred and ninet —eight, and for other purposes," do proclaim that the said lands are hereby added to the Trinity National Forest and that the boundaries of said National Forest are now as shown on the two parts of the said diagram, and such National Forest so enlarged shall, except as hereinafter provided, sublject to all the laws affecting National Forests, rncludrng the m1nera land laws of the Dnrted P_ _ States; Prom)ded, that nothing herein shall, for the term of twenty- {-'Sg'}jQ·’{ndh“ five years from the date hereof, operate to termrnate or abrrdge the rights of the Secretary of the Interior and of the_Comnnssioner of Indian Affairs, under existing laws, to allot to rndrvrdual Indians any of suoh of the above described lands as were included rn the said Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation by the said Executive Order modified as aforesaid; to use any of such lands or the trrnber thereon for Agency, school, or other tribal purposes; to permit the use of any of such lands for grazing purposes; to pernnt the free use by individual Indians of timber and stone from any of said lands neces- 80893—vor. 35, rr 2-09-—-Sl