2244 PROCLAMATIONS, 1909. _ sary for domestic use upon their allotments; to dispose of the proceeds arising from grazing as provided for by law for other Indian funds; and to dispose of the dead timber standing or fallen upon R°g“l““°PS»°‘°· such lands; Provided further, that said powers and rights of the Secretgry of able-Ilntpliigp and Cormlnissiprxxlr of InIdganfAffgrrs(<fr riepméttees un er or o g em orer ero em a o in 1Vl ua n rans, except as to allotments to such Indians, shall be subject to such rules and regulations as the Secretary of Agriculture may from time to time prescribe for the protection of the National Forest; and said powllers apd pghtg slhlall noipbpl coristgued {sp applyfto any land eircgps suc par s o said oopa a ey n ran eserva ron as are incu e in the Forest by this proclamation, and all said powers and rights except the riiglhts of individual Indians and their eirs to hold and enjoy their otments, shall cease and determine twenty-five years after the date hereof, and thereafter the occupancy an use of the pnallotted part?`] of saidl hvmds shall in all respects be subject to the aws governing ationa orests. Prior rights not The withdrawal made lily this proclamation shall, as to all lands °¤°°°°°‘ which are at this date lega appropriated under the public land laws · or reserved or used for In ran Agency, school, or c urch purposes, or reserved for any public purpose other than for Indian occupancy and use under such Executive Orders, be subject to, and shall not intetrfpirre with, or dehlcat lggial rights rmdeir sigh approprigtiomlor preven e use or_suc_ u c purpose o an so reserve so ong as sucgh appropriation is Eegally maintained, or such reservation remains m orce. , · égglweégrda This proclamation shall not prevent the settlement and entry of ' ’P` any lands heretofore opened to settlement and entry under the Act of Congress approved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six, entigerl, ‘ An ct to provide for the entry of Agricultural lands wit 'n crest reserves." IN WITNESS WHEEEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the Crtfy of Washington, this second day of March, in the year o our Lord one thousand nine hundred and mne, [san,.] and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-third. · T ‘ R ruxonomu oosmvmxr By thelgresidentz · onrzrrr Bacon Secretary of State. ___P·{{·g*j}.19¤9· Br rum Prmsrnivmr or rrm Uurrnn Srrwrres or Aurcnrca A PROCLAMATION Fjmgtfjgi N¤°*°¤•* WHEREAS, an Executive Order signed July first nineteen hunrpxmbis. dred and eight, directed that a part of the Black Mesa National Forest "'m°' be known as the Apache Naltionall Foreitg And whereas, it appears t at the u ic good will be promoted b including in the Apache National Forest certain lands within the Territory of Arizona, shown on the diagram hereto attached and forming a part hereof, which are in art covered with timber, and which constitute a (part of the White Eountain A ache Indian Reservation, establishe by Executive Order dated) November ninth, eggihteen hundred an seventy-one, and modified by subsequent ers· _,§f'°°“""°'*··*"* Now; therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United vr.r.:w,r»-36. States of America, by virtue of the power m me vested by the Act of
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1202