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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/942

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PAN-AMERICAN SANITARY CONVENTION. Ooronnr. 14, 1905. 2101 exceed five days, counting from the date of arrival, except in special cases, when the sanitary authority may prolong the observation to a maximum of ten days. ART101.1: XXV. The sanitary authorities of the port must deliver cmincm tp can to the captain, the owner, or his agent, whenever a demand for it is m"’°°°" °f sm" made, a certificate setting forth that the measures for the destruction of rats have been efficacious and indicating the reasons why these measures have been a plied. ARTICLE XXVI. Sliips infected with cholera are to be subjected s,§;j’1°’“‘*“"’°°°‘* to the following regulations: 1. Medical visit (Inspection). _ 2. The sick are to be immediatel disembarked and isolated. 3. Other persons ought also to bbc disembarked, if possible, and subjected, datinglfrom the arrival of the ship, to an observation, the duration of whic shall not exceed five days. 4. Soiled linen, wearing apparel, and personal effects of crew and passengers which, in the opinion of the sanitary authority of the port, are considered as infected, are to be disinfected. 5. The parts of the ship which have been inhabited by persons sick with cholera, or which are considered by the sanitary authority as infected are to be disinfected. ‘6. The bilge-water is to be discharged after disinfection. The sanitary authority may order the substitution of good potable water for that which is contained in the tanks on board. The discharge or throwing overboard into the water of a port, of dejecta, shall be forbiddenun ess they have been previousl disinfected. Anrronn XXVII. Ships susjpected of cholera are to be subjected sh§:,°*°¤ · ¤“°P°°°°*’ to measures prescribed imder os. 1, 4, 5 and 6 of Article XXVI. ' The crew and passengers may be subjected to an observation which should not exceed five days, to date from the arrival of the ship. It is recommended during the same time to prevent the debarkation of the crew except for reasons of duty. Airrrcnn XXVIII. Ships indemne of cholera are to be admitted to sups not www free pratique immediately, whatever may be the nature of their bill °’°"°‘"°‘ of health. ‘ The only regulations which the sanitary authorities of a port may aegumums. prescribe in their case are the measures provided in Nos. 1, 4 and 6 of Article XXVI. The crews and passengers may be submitted, in order to show ' their state of health, to an observation, which should not exceed five days to be computed from the date when the ship sailed from the infected port. _ It is recommended that during the same time the debarkation of the crew be forbidden except for reasons of duty. Competent authority at the port of arrival may always demand, under oath, a certificate from the ship’s surgeon, or, in the absence of a sur eon, from the captain, setting forth that there has not been a case 0I cholera upon the ship since sailing. ~ ` Anrrrcnn XXIX. Competent authority will take account, in order i>m·sm.i¤, em., on ·to apply the measures indicated in Articles XXI to XXVIII, of the b°“'d‘ presence of a physician on board and a disinfecting apparatus in shi of the three categories mentioned above. Iiiis re ard to lague, it will equally take account of the installation on Ioard ofp apparatus for the destruction of rats. Sanitary authorities of such countries, where it may be convenient to make such regulations, may dispense with the medical visit and other measures toward indemm ships which have on board a physician specially commissioned by their country. Airrrcma XXX. S ial measures may be prescribed in regard to Emigmuv, em., crowded ships, notalillyc emigrant ships, or any other ship presenting Sm"' bad hygienic conditions.