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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/943

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2102 PAN-AMERICAN SANITARY CONVENTION. Ocrosrm 14, 1905. Ships °"i°°**¤¤ '“f ARHCLE XXXI. Any shi not desiring to be spbjected to the irhigiigmeut of up obligations imposed by the Fauthority of the port in virtue of the sti ulations of the present Convention is_free to proceed to sea. lit may be authorized to disembark its cargp after the necessary precautions shall have been taken; namely,' irst, isolation of the ship, its crew and assengers· Second, in regard to plague, demand _ for information rellative to the existence of an unusual mortality among rats; Third, in regard to cholera, the discharge of the b1lge— water after disinfection and the substitution of a goo potable water for that which is provided on board the ship. Authority may also be granted to disembark such passengers as may demand it, upon con tion that these submit themselves to all _ _ measures prescribed by the local authorities. _ _ ,,.{)',§i','}gf°°;{$,‘;, ¥,,°$§'# ARTICLE XXXII. Ships coming from a contaminated port, which ¤*P°¤*· have been disinfected and which may have been subjected to samtary measures applied in an eiiicient manner, shall not undergo a second time the same measures upon their arrival at a new port, provided that no new case shall have appeared since the disinfection was practiced, and that the ships have not touched in the meantime at an infected port. When a shi onl disembarks passengers and their baggage, or the mails, without having been in communication with terra firma it is not to be considered as having touched at a port, provided that in the case of yellow fever it has not approached sufficiently near the shore to permit the access of mosquitoes. ,,g§§l;l,?°”f§°°i{,‘}.,cl{°*,$"; ARTICLE XXX II. Passengers arriving on an infected ship have mlm the right to demand of the sanitary authority of the port a certificate showin the date of their arrival and the measures to which Ps k mom b t they and theirlaggage have been subjected.- mrpléciim-sg¤f.Kr?,$.°§_ ARTICLE XXXIV. Packet boats shall be subjected to special regulations, to be established by mutual agreement between the ’ countries in interest. _ _ _ _ _ ,,%Q’,§,{,°g;‘§g_m°“'“ ARTICLE XXXV. Without prejpdrce to the nght which governments possess to agree upon the orgamzatron o common samtaryl stations, each country should provide at least one port upon eac of its seaboards, with an organization and equipment sufficient to receive a vessel, whatever may be its sanitar condition. mf,:‘f,f,';'c{‘€j, p{j§f*’ When an indemne vessel, coming from an infectedy port, arrives ' in a large mercantile port, it is recommended that she be not sent to another port for the execution of the prescribed sanitary measures. In every country, ports liable to the arrival of vessels from ports infected with plague, cholera or yellow fever, should be equipped in such a manner that indcmne vessels may there undergo, immediately upon- their arrival the prescribed measures, and not be sent for this purpose to another port. ce%f';*jfp*},f,*{,’,{],,f_f”‘ Governments should ma e declaration of the ports which are open in their territories to arrivals from ports infected with plague, _ c olera or yellow fever. _ . »¤lii?§i$i2til§gl$§’°°°‘* ARTICLE XXXW I. It is recommended that rn large seaports there be established: (a,) A regular medical service and a permanent medical supervision of the sanitary conditions of crews, and the inhabitants of the port. (b) Places set apart for the isolation of the sick and the observation of suspected persons. In the ste omyia belt there must be a building or garb o a building screene<I against mosquitoes, and a launch and am ulance similarly screened. _ (c) The necessary installation for efficient disinfection and bacterrological laboratories. (d) A suplply of potable water above suspicion, for the use of the · port, and the installation of a system of sewerage and drainage, adequate for the removal of refuse. ‘