I35C SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 255-257. 1911. m§j"°"°*"“ *°*' ¤°¤· the same: And prwided farther, That the lands hereby authorized to be purchased, as herembefore set forth, and all portions thereof shall be held and used by or for the said grantee for the pur oses herein specified, and in the event the said ands shall cease to be so used they shall revert to the United States, and this condition shall ` be expressed in the patent to be issued under the terms of this Act. Approved, March 4, 1911. MT§°l}0%8§%u· CHAP. 256.-An Act To authorize the Secrcta of War to sell certain lands __~...L.._;... owned by the United States and situated on Dauphin Island, in Mobile County, [Public, No. 496.] A]aba_ma_ Be it by the Senate and House eg Representatives of the United A£f“P*‘*“ m°“d· States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, hgedlgetg Government and hens hereby, authorized to sell so much or such arts of that cer- ' . tam tract of land condemned held by the Unitedp States, and situated on Dauphm Island, m Mobile County, Alabama, as may not be reasonably necessary for present or prospective military or cognate purposes, for such consideration or upon such terms as he may find pplasopable, not less than the original cost, and to execute deeds ere or. Approved, March 4, 1911. MTé‘f]{0$,&?}r _ CHAP. 257.-—An Act Granting public lands to the town of Omak, State of Wash- ..__?.;. mgton, for public-park purposes. . [Public, 1,%. 497.] . Be it emwted by the Senate and House of Re ' rum 1 mis. _ _ _ presentatwes of the wxeifégggglipgeii United States of Amer·u:a in Oojngress assembled, That there is hereby granted and conveyed, for public- ark purposes, to the town of Omak, county of _Okanogan, State of Wlishington, a municipal corporation, _ the_ fol1ow1ng·descr1bed lands, or so much thereof as said town may ”°’°“*’“°“· gesire, tg wg.: of Governmiant lot npembered three, section twenty- ve· an a_ o overmuent ot num red f t' t t - ` botli lying in township thirty-four north, anduxlargg i>$;ian1ly?s1hgr;a1§t of W1 amette meridian, and containing twenty-nine and twelve onehmm huéidrecgtlipfficresilmore or less. ° E0. ._ 1at the said conve ance sh ll be ad fth 'd d to the said town by the Secretbirgr of tl; Inteiiior tiipbn thssiiaygirdnb Egictgze ;sg1ilht’op£ gogftggosagi Ilan shop such pgrtion thereof as It mag y _ _ o ar an wen y- ve cents per acre an Subject to mlm :0 §8·ldkl$0W11 foI' the said lands selected, to ,l]&V6 umm, , Pu }C P8? PUTPOSBS, Subject to the existing laws and regulations concerning public arks, and that the ant hereby made shall not include any lands wlilich at the date of tile issuance of at- P,,,,,,,,,,_ ?¥{t_Sh8u bf? 00V81‘€d by 21 Valid, existing, bona fide right or cllziim mglgheia esta rs xgitilatgil under Elie ?};wsLpf_ tlga Sllnited Sllates: Provider; That there · sa reserveoe t·tt ‘ ’ · deposits that may be fouiibl (in this llbrildlzodii ,;g;iit:1llfis$il1Bb·llIl1iIei$bfdi Revmion for mh sary use o1’_the lands for extracting the same: And provided further um. That the said town shall not have the right to sell or convey the lands herein granted, or any parts thereof, or to devote the same to any Ealing; slgtglipgie, ahan 25; eregbeforekdeicribed, and that if the said euse as pu IC t no; so usedd shall iipvert to the lgiihell Stlasizglc) or Such Parts thereof pprove , 4, 1911.