SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 258-261. 1911. 1351 CHA?. 258.-An Act To extend the time for the completion of a bridge across the March 4-1911- Mnsonn River at Yankton, South Dakota, by the Yangton, Norton; and sonmorn fS·1°”*’··1 Railway Company. [Public, No. iss.] Be it enacted by the Senate and Housl¢;§fRepresentatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assemb , That section six of the Act %§§“,§,§§§,§;, ,0, qpproved March nmth, nmeteen hundred and four, authorizing the brigtnms vv Y¤¤1<¤>¤- ankton, Norfolk and Southern Railway Company to construct a giuwobbldmsgiiiiim combined railroad, wagon, and foot- assenger brid e across the Mis· $,2} $1,} §"33?,},‘ souri River at or near the city of Yangton, South Daiota, as amended VM; 35; v1>$3-‘¥.1056- by the Act approved March twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and ten, Am '°`m° be, and the same is hereb , so amended that the time within which the said bridge is required to be commenced shall be within one year and the time within which it is required that the said bridge shall be com-, pfeted shall be within three years from the date of the approval of this ct. Approved, March 4, 1911. CHAP. 259.-A.n Act To 've the consent f Con th nil ° ’ N¤¤¤1¤ 4· 1911- by the city of Northport, Wssliington, over th§ColurI1!l$iB:; Itgveilag Ndlr1:i§>b)it? bridge Pnblic,No.499. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United gd bi Ri 1 States cg' America in Congress assembled, That the consent of Congress nor`i{s;;¤,`iiii¤¤., be, an is hereby, given to the city of Northport, in the State of my b" · Washington, to construct and maintain a wagon bridge and a proaches thereto over the Columbia River at a point suitable to th: interests of navigation at North rt, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Sgt to regulate the construction of V¤1~=’~1·P·8•~ bridges over navigable waters," approved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. Sec. 12. That gge right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby A¤¤¤*1¤*>¤°· express y reserv . Approved, March 4, 1911. CHAP. 260.-An Act To authorize the Can on Snake River Wagon Bridge Com- 1*******1 *· 1‘·*“· pglistgon to construct a bridge across the Snake Iliver at or near the town of Payette, ____ a 0, » tc,. 0.600.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o%Representati*ves cg/` the United Sn k m M h States ofAme1*ica in Congress assembled, That the Canyon nuke River Caiiydn siiio ning} l¢Vagon Bridge Commission is hereby authorized to construct, main- §{‘S§,‘};;, ,§‘,Q;‘§f,,dgQ';‘g tain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto_ across the Snake P•¤>·me. River, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near the town of Payette, in the county of Canyon, in the State of Idaho, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "A.n Act to regu- Vol-8•.1>·84· late the construction of bridges over navigable waters/’ approved March twenty-third, nineteenchundred and six. · Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby A’°"“°"°°"*~ expressly reserved. · Approved, March 4, 1911. CHAP. 261.-—An Act For the relief of registers and former registers of the United *{E1’°€ $$1}- States land offices. [Public, No. 501.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Pubm mms States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Refund to registers Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to refund, out ,‘§{,,f‘§f§,,§‘§§, °`““‘”"“` of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to registers V¤1—27- P- $*1-