122 SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 7. 1909. D*’“"°* °'°°‘°”*°**· DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. mg"' °'°‘* °‘ °°‘"‘ For additional amoimt required for board and care of all children . committed to the guardianshi of the Board of Children’s Guardians by the courts of the District ol)Columbia and for the temporary care o children pending] investigation or while being trans erred from place to place, fisc year nmeteen hundred and nine, six thousand dollars, one·half of which sum shall be paid from the revenues of the Distrh: of Columbia and 3ne·half from any money in the Treasury not otherwiseappropriate . ,,,§§,'[;",§f"°·‘“° '* The titles toliihe Iiracts of land to be urchascd for a workhouse { Tétggmtggeggéw be and a reformatory provided for in the get a proved March third, u\’o1.35,p.717.. nineteen hundred and nine, being "An Act maging appropriations to provide for the expenses of the Jgovernment of the District of Columia for the fiscal year ending une thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, and for other purposes, ’ shall be taken directly to and in the
“‘“‘ P"' name of the Unite States; and in case satisfactory price can not
be agreed upon for the lplprchase of either or both of said tracts, or in case the title to eit r or both of said tracts can not be made satisfactory to the Attorney—General of the United States, then the latter is girelpted to procurp said tract or tracts of land by condemnation, an the expenses 0 procuring evidence of title, or of con-
- len;1lration,pir botgihshill bg paid out of the appropriations made
or eurcaseo erac. ‘ Sc§;f,'{’§,,0'§,,'f*“‘“¥ The i;)welve-inch main for the_general use of and to afford fire I ggmhrgfg w be protection to the National Traimng School for Boys, authorized in °von. ss, p. nb. the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nine- , teen hundred and ten, sh be laid forthwith and the cost thereof Sch lx paid from the revenues of the water! department. U Pgfysble m,m,_ Any unexplended balances m the Act making appropriations to h·>é¤8s&mm PNNL provide for the expenses of the Jgovernment of the District of Colummg. P ia for the fiscal year ending une thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ‘°*- 35· P- 2***- nine, and for other lpourposes, to rent, equip, and care for temporary rooms for classes a ve the second grade, now on half time, and to provide for the estimated increased enrollment that may be caused y the operation of the compulsory education law, is hereby reappropriated and made availab e during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten for the purchase, erection, and maintenance of portable schoolhouses for temporary use. “‘·*”·*¤·m*·*- WAR DEPARTMENT. ¢#··¤>·s¤¤re hams- For defrayin the ex enses incurred in the dedication of the 6:idi¤ili8oioo¤s¢r»nes- monuments ang markersp authorized to be erected by Act of Con- “Q-',f;_32,,,_,,3,,_ gress approved February eighteenth, nineteen hundred and three, Epo:} thedbigmlefield of Gettysburg, m the State of Pennsylvania, six un re dollars. m3{::imr>· •s·¤·¤»lM·- mLrr.uzY nsrannrsnmnur. mf;m;j{‘*""""· "°"·· For expenses of the court of inquiry provided for in chapter two M&xper1sesof¤·|c·rk¤·. hundred and sixty-five of the Act approved March third, nineteen t-.,i_;».;_ ,,_,,3,,_ hundred and nine (Thirty-fifth Statutes at Large, page eight hundred and thrrty-six); For services of clerks and reporters, witness fees, messenger and jamtor service, and such other employees as may be required, and for all other absolutely necessary expenses; to be expended by the Pay Department of the Army under the direction of the Secretary of \Var, to remain available during the fiscal vear _ nineteen hundred and ten, fifteen thousand dollars. i ch§;§‘g,§?§§;;;;§; Ogio priplyidg for dpayment; 05 eixtra compensation for the officers com- 0[b_;mmpm_m_ p mg e car appom c _ 0 pass upon the eligibility of colored roops discharged by executive orders on account of the Brownsville riot for reenlistment in the army, one thousand five hundred dollars