SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 7. 1909. 123 each, seven thousand five hundred dollars, the same to be in full for extra compensation for their entire services connected therewith. _ _ The accounting officers of the Treasuryare hereby authorized and ‘,§§§{§§‘§;,, directed to credit in the accounts of the disbursing officers of the §§c§¤***; ·€*¢;·f<;{rP¤r· several States, Territories, and the District of Columbia such amounts maxféiivlelig in my as have been, or may be, disallowed in their accounts for payments ‘ heretofore made by them on account of the participation of the organized militia in the encampments, maneuvers, &I1d field instruction of the Regular Army, under the provisions of section nine of the Act V°‘·"·5·P-‘*°2· of Congress approved May twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eight, entitled ‘An Act to further amend the Act entitled ‘An Act to promote the eiiiciency of the militia, and for other purposesf · approved January twenty—lirst, nineteen hundred and three." _ _ he appropriation "for six months’ additional ay to persons 0¤%§,‘}.§$‘§§‘c”f}d'§.,°,’fgi§’,{ designated) to receive the same by officers and enlisted) men on active thiggmigé wbemm service who have died from wounds or disease contracted in line of ciaries. ` duty," contained in the Act of March third, nineteen hundred and V°"'5·p‘73°‘ nine, entitled "An Act making appropriations for the support of the · army for the fiscal ear ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, ’ is hereby made available for payment to benenciaries of officers and enlisted men on the active list who die from wounds or disease not the result of their own misconduct. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. I“""'*°’D°P°'*’“°”°· The une nded balance of the appropriation for rent of rooms P“§“* Om"- ·’ 2 for Patentxgfiice model exhibit in Ithe legislative, executive, and mggglteglniliiiim for Ludicial appropriation Act approved May twenty-second, nineteen r:°ii»3g‘¤lZ§i»9’¤: re undred and eight, is hereby reappropriated and made available “‘°"“·°*°· during the fiscaj year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, or the rent of building for the storage of the Patent Office models removed from the Lnion Building, and necessary expenses for removal and storage in new quarters. For additional amount for constructing new stack and for repair- R°P°*”*°"“““°¢· ing and improving heating apparatus for the Interior Department buildings, to continue ava ab e during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten, five thousand dollars. Capitol: For work at Capitol and for general repairs thereof, §‘§§,°};, em including Higgs for the east and west fronts o the center of the Capitol; flagsta s, halyards, and tackle; wages of mechanics and laborers; purchase, maintenance, and driving of office vehicle, and not exceeding one hundred dollars for the purchase of technical and necessary reference books; being a deficiency for the fiscal years nineteen hundred and nine and nineteen hundred and ten, three thousand five hundred dollars. For repairs and im rovements to the Senate kitchens and restau— S°““'°"“°h°""·°‘°· rants in the Ca itol Ifiiilding, to be expended by the Superintendent of the Capitol ll3uilding and Grounds under the supervision of the Committee on Rules, United States Senate, fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten, five thousand dollars. _ For additional elevator service Senate wing of the Capitol, includ- ,,,,·§,‘?§f,§§'@Q§,§’,},;’_"‘ ing service of operators from December first, nineteen undred and nine, to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten, twenty-six thousand dollars. Senate Office Building: For maintenance, including heating, light- m§f““‘° °“°° B““"‘ ing, and ventilation, miscellaneous items, and for all necessary services M¤i¤¢¤¤¤¤¢¢- for the Senate Office Building for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten, thirty-six thousand dollars. M xi Ki t That the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars authorized to be ;,..nZ$§¤,.,($iii.,°°° expended out of the appropriation of one million dollars made by the mfgyggéggémjlgj Act of March fourth, nineteen hundred and nine, under the heading pegs?. snncugg. "Depredations on public timber, and so forth," Public Numbere °'°°"‘