612 six·rY-r112sT CONGRESS. sm. II. 01;.378. 1910. ch;*::*g{;D**:¤¤¤¤* SMALL ARMS AND MAomNE GUNS: For new rifles and machine guns for ships, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. ‘ A · '1`°*P°d°¤¤ •¤d •P· Tom·EDOEs AND APPLIANCESZ For the purchase and manufacture www of torpedoes and appliances, five hundred thousand dollars. aemoaeung. Remodeling torpedoes, 'one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. In all, "Torpedoes and appliances," six hundre and fifty thousand dollars- N, •"*·°°*°¤¤° MINES AND MINE APPLIANCES! For naval—defense mines, appliances, and accessories for mine ships, one hundred thousand dollars. N;",$pg,”§‘g_°B_f•"°“· TORPEDO STATION, Nmwrorvr, Rgonm ISLAND! For labor and material; eneral care of and repairs to grounds, build1ngs, and wharves; ioats, instruction, instruments, tools, experiments, and general for edo outfits, seventy thousand dollars. New maclliinery and tools for torpedo factory, fifty thousand dollars. High—pressure air plant, including air compressors and air storage, ten thousand dollars. ¤¤1>¢¤¤¤¤·¢•¤v<¤¤=- EXPERHIENTS, BmzEAU or OaDNANcE: For experimental work in the development of armor—piercing projectiles, uses, powders and high explosives, in connection with problems of the attack of armor with directand inclined lire at various ranges, including the purchase of armor, powder, projectiles, and fuses for the above puzposes, and of all necessary material and labor in connection therewi ; and for . other experimental work under the cognizance of the Bureau of Ordnance in connection with the develoipment of ordnance material 11;g•:¤¢•;&m for the navy, one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended in experiments unless, in the ‘ -development of armor-piercingtlprojectiles and high losives, an attack on heavy turret armor an heavy belt armor IS mealldg b armorpiercing projectiles at a battle range not less than eight thousand yards an by exlplosive gelatine m quantity not less than two hundred pounds exp oded against the heavy belt armor and heavy turret armor of an actual vessel. p Naval Mmm. ARMING AND EQUIPPING NAVAL MILITIAZ For arms, accouterments, ammunition, signal and medical outfits, boats and their equipment and maintenance, fuel and clothing, and the rinting or purchase of necessag books of instruction for the NavalPMilitia of the various States, erritories, and the District of Columbia, under such regulations as the Secretar of the Navy may prescribe, one hundred and twenty-five thousand, dollars. Rwcin REPAIRS, BUREAU or ORDNANc1:: For necessary repairs to ordnance buildings, magazines, wharvcs, machinery, and other items of like character, thirty thousand dollars. ¤¤¤¢¤··¤¢¤¤¤· MISCELLANEOUS, BUREAU OF OBDNANUE: For miscellaneous items, namely: Cartage, expenses of light and water at magazines and stations; tolls, ferriage, technical books, and incidental expenses attending inspection of ordnance material, nine thousand five hundred dollars. mgpiwu of Equip- BUREAU or EQUIPMENT. legiuivment of vu- EQUIPMENT or vEssELs: For hemp, wire, iron, and other materials 1w,p.s1a for the manufacture of cordage, anc ors, cables, galleys, and chains; specifications for purchase thereof shall be so prepared as shall give fair and free competition; canvas for the manufacture of sails, awnings, hammocks, and other work; stationery for chaplains and for commandi and navigating officers of ships, equipment officers on shore abil afloat, and for the use of courts-martial on board shipthe removal and trans ortation of ashes from ships of war; interior appliances and tools ilor equipment buildings in na —yards and naval stations; supplies for seameifs quarters; and `lhr the urchase of all other articles of equipment at home and abroad, and) for