SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 378. 1910. 613 the payment of labor in equipping vessels and manufacture of equipment articles in the several navy-yards; all pilotage and towage of ships of war; canal tolls, wharfage, dock and port charges, and other necessary incidental expenses of a similar nature; seryices and materials in repairing, correcting, ad`usting, and testing compasses on shore and on board ship; nautical] and astronomical instruments and repairs to same; libraries for ships of war, professional books and psapers, and drawings and engravings for s' nal books; naval signa and alpparatus, nameg, signals, lightsfilanterns, rockets, and running ights; com ass ttings, including binnacles, tripods, and other appendages of diiips’ com asses; logs and other appliances for measuring the ship’s way, anti) leads and other appliances for sounding; lanterns and lamps and their appendages for general use on board ship for illuminating purposes, and oil and candles used in connection therewith; service and supplies for coast—signal servicebunting and other materials for making and repairing flags of all kinds; photographs, (photographic instruments, and materials; musical instruments an music; installing, maintaining, and re airing interior and exterior signal communications and all electricalpappliances of whatsoever nature on board naval vessels, except range . iinders, battle order and range transmitters and indicators, and motors and their controlling apparatus used to operate the machinery belonging to other bureaus, t ree million eight hundred and forty- three thousand three hundred dollars: Prmnkged, That the sum to be Bw my paid out of this appropriation, under the direction of the Secretary im. _ ‘ " of the Navy, for c erical, drafting, inspection, and messenger service at the several navy-yards, naval stations, and coaling stations for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth nineteen hundred and eleven, shall not exceed two hundred and nine thousand and ninety-three dollars and sixty cents. · _ That the Act entitled "A.u Act to authorize the Secretary of the m§;*;‘g§,i,§{'·"°‘“"" Navy to loan naval equi ment to certain military schools/’ approved Rgiuirgi ¤¤g¤ber¤f March third, nineteen liundred and one, be amended by striking p“x?0f"$i,"°§.` nin, out the words "one hundred and forty cadets" and inserting in lieu '“°°”‘*°d· thereof the words "seventy-five cadets over fifteen years of age." Com. AND TBANSPORTATIONZ Coal and other fuel for steamers’ and °°°'·°'°· ships’ use, and other equipment pur oses, including expenses of transportation, storage, and handling {Sie same, and for the general maintenance of naval coaling de ots and coaling plants, water for all purposes on board naval vessels, including the expenses of transportation and storage of the same, four million dollars. Coxrrxessr, BUREAU or Eourrmmrr; Packing boxes and mate- °°"“°*°“‘* rials, books, and models; stationery; ferriage and emergencies arising under co nizance of the Bureau of Equipment unforeseen and impossible to §assify, ten thousand dollars. OUEAN Axn LAKE suavsrsz Hydrographic surveys, including the v€Qg¢¤¤ ¤¤d1=*k9¤¤¢- pay of the necessary hydrographic surveyors, cartographic drafts- men and recorders, and for the purchase of nautical books, charts, 4 and sailing directions, seventy-five thousand dollars. Dsrofrs ron com.: To enable the Secretary of the Navy to execute ,§¤g°':,,§°{5‘gg°;; M the provisions of section fifteen hundred and fifty-two of the Revised " i ' Statutes, authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to establish, at such places as he may deem necessary, suitable depots for coal and other uel for the supply of steamships of war, one undred and ten thousand dollars. Drsrmsurrox or nrrrms: The duties assigned by law to the mI,§§§§f“‘““““°° °‘ . Bureau of Equipment shall be distributed among the other bureaus and offices of the Navy Department in such manner as the Secretary of the Navy shall consider expedient and proper during the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, and the 88740°—v01. 36, rr 1-11--41