SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 399-401. 1910. 829 CHAP. 3Q9.—Au Act To authorize the President of the United States to place —l¤¤¢ 25- 1910· upon the retired list of the United States Navy Lieutenant-Commander James H. [H‘ R' 147°°·] Reid, with the rank of commander. [Public. N0· 281-] Be it enacted the Senate and House of Representat·v}vec of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the _1{',f},‘{§;, H_R,,d my United States be, and he_ is hereby, authorized to place upon the be retired as comretired list of the United States Nav , with the rank of commander, mum` the name of Lieutenant-Commander games H. Reid. Approved, June 25, 1910. CHAP. 400.-An Act For the relief of the Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black River` ·T¤¤¤25· 1910· band or olllppewa Indians in me sate or Michigah, and for other purposes. fH·R·1°*¤°~1 [Public, No. 282. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hm1sleig{¢;fRe42resentatioes of the United 1 States of America in Congress assemb , · _ CIS1·:crr0N l'I`hat,jl;1ris;1ictionis herIeb§conferreg upon the C({}1I'li of Mggxppewn mm"' aims, wit the ri t 0 a to the u reme ourt of the nited mus °* ¤°"· States, to consider gud adgugifaiite any claini; arising under treaty stip- ldd;-Ci$h1d:S%iig§ ulations or otherwise, w ich the Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black °°°°“'°°f C1°‘"“ River band of Chi pewa Indians, of the State of Michigan, have against the United States; and such suit or suits as may be instituted d0%§;tQ'*°°m°¤* °¤ hereunder shall, upon notice, be advanced upon the docket of either of said courts for trial, and be determined at the earliest practicable time. Sec. 2. That upon the final determination of such suit or suits the A“°m°Y¤’*¤°¤· Court of Claims shall decree such fees as the court shall find to be reasonable upon a quantam meriut for services performed, to be paid to the attorney or attorneys em loyed by the said band of Indians and the same shall be paid out oi) the sum found to be due said band of Indians when an a propriation therefor shall have been made by Congress: Provided, 'I at in no case shall the fees decreed by the court amount in the aggregate to more than ten per centum of the ` amount of the judgment recovered, and in no event shall the aggre— . gate exceed ten thousand dollars. Sec. 3. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he hereby is cQff‘“" R°°°“"“°“• authorized to permitany religious or missionary organization having m{§§_1¤Isgjg;;¤_€<{;€¤;¤§gr•;; l8.I1dS l‘6S€l'V6d for IDISSIOH 8.D SCl\00l YHIEOSBS 011 li B Yllmll RGSEFV8- gable lands on. tion in California, to select irrigable an s on said reservation equal in area to, and in lieu of, lands so reserved, and to issue a patent in fee therefor. Approved, June 25, 1910. · CHAP. 401.-—An Act To amend section thirteen of an Act entitled “An Act to June 25,_1?_10· establish a Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, and to provide for a uniform [H· R- 1°8’1·] rule for the naturalization of aliens throughout the United States," and for other [rutile, xp. zsa.] naturalization purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section thirteen of the gggggggnw to Act approved June twen{3y—ninth, nineteen hundred and six, entitled clerks sewers. "An Act to establish a ureau of Immigiation and Naturalization, ,,§§,§;,,,d3j’· P· “°°· and to provide for a uniform rule for the naturalization of aliens throughout the United States," is hereby amended by striking out the last sentence of the section, which reads as follows: “And in case the clerk of any court collects fees in excess of the sum of six thousand dollars in an one year, the Secretary of Commerce and Labor ma allow to such clerk from the money which the United States shah receive additional compensation for the employment of additional clerical assistance, but for no other purpose, if in the opinion of