830 SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 401. 1910. the said Secretary the business of such clerk warrants suclr allowance," and inserting in lieu thereof the following: _ _ _ _ Clerks or mum. "And in case the clerk of an court exercising natural1zation_]ur1S— ,,dS§';l,§§i§;T.t,lY§',§‘li,l,Y diction collects fees in excess of)l;he sum of six thousand dollars in any ¤°¤ °*°**¤· fiscal year the Secretary of Commerce and Labor may allow salaries, M"` P' m` for naturalization pu oses only, to pay for clerical assistance, to be selected and emplo eIfi)by that clerk, additional to the clerical force, for which clerks ofy courts are required by this section to pay from fees received b such clerks in naturalization proceedings, if in the opinion of saidy Secretary the naturalization business o such clerk 1*~v¢•¤•· warrants further additional assistance: Prmnkled, That in no event mum shall the whole amount allowed the clerk of a court and his assistants exceed the one—half of the gross receipts of the office of said clerk from ¤¤¤¤¤¤;=¤¤S¤:B{·* bg naturalization fees during such fiscal year: Rrvgikled further, That °i°°i°g° yu" when, at the close of any fiscal yeag, térpcbusmessfog such clerk 0; . court indicates in the o inion 0 the reta 0 ommerce an Labor that the naturalizsiition fees for the succergding fiscal year will exceed six thousand dollars the Secpletagly of Comipercie andfliabgr ma authorize the continuance 0 the owance 0 sa aries or the adchtional clerical assistance herein provided for and employed on the last day of the fiscal year until such time as the remittances indicate in the opinion of said Secretary that the fees for the then current fiscal yezip will (pat bpuiugicient to allow the additional clerical assistance authorize t ct. node at payment. "'l`hat paymerit for the additional clerical assistance herein °°°‘ authorized ihgll be in the and under snag regulations as the Secre o ommerce an a r may rescri .’ . 1Z•yr¤¢¤¢f¤r¢1¤¤¢¤1 Sad? That the Secretary of Commlerce and Labor is hereby Q-$“{§‘0‘g_°°mS°}’u°§’§‘b3‘E,T authorized to make requisition on the Treasurer of the United States 1*7- for such amount as may be necessary in his opinion to pay the clerks v,,1_34_ p_ M of the several courts exercising jurisdiction under section three of the Act of June twent —ninth, nineteen hundred and six (Thirt —fourth Statutes, page five lliundred and ninety-six), for any additional, clerical assistance employed by them durinv the period from September twenty-sevent , nineteen hundred anrllsix, to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, inclusive, if in the opinion of said Secretar the business of such clerks, during the aforesaid period, warranted, any MMR allowance for such additionaljslerical assistance: Promkled, That no allowance shall be made by said Secretaréy to any clerk for additional clerical assistance who has not collecte fees in naturalization roceedings in excess of the sum of four thousand Eve hundred dollars during the period from September twenty~seventh, nineteen hundred and six, to une thrrtreth, nineteen hundred and seven, inclusive, and that the total salaries of such additional clerical assistance shall in no instance exceed the fees received by the United States from the clerk of that court during the period from September twenty-seventh, nineteen laundred aéudfix, to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and Appropriation- seven, inc usive. uc amount as ma be necessar to a the additional clerical assistance herein provided for, not grxceeding two . thousand dollars, is hereby appropriated from any moneys in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated: Promkled, B¤a¤1·¤<>¤¤· That payment for.the clerical assistance herein provided for shall be m the manner and under such regulations as the Secretary of Commmu. merce and Labor may prescribe: Provided further, That no moneys shallbbelplalid to any clerk in excess of the aggregate of the sums paid out y . reuuonsmrcruzen- Sec. 3. That paragraph two of section four of an Act entitle " “"{¥{;,_ M_ p_ 597, Act to establish a Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, iindllzld ¤¤¤¢¤¤<=¤- provide for a uniform rule for the naturalization of aliens throughout the United States," approved June twentyminth, nineteen hundred