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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/860

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836 six·rY.F1nsr oosonnss. sms. II. ous. 407, 40s. 1910. oentum of the amount of the certificates of indebtedness issued under this Act is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise apppopriated, to pay the expense of preparing, advertrsmg, l andiss thesame. . rue¥peice¤¢¤{8mc~ Sec. 3. ll‘hat_beginning five years after the date of the first advance tZ°$”Aié’1'Lr$li¤e¤%.’ to the reclamation fund under this Act, fifty(per centum of the annual '”’Y· recei ts of the reclamation fimd shall be par into the general fund of the 'Freasury of the United States until payment so made shall equal the aggre ate amount of advances made by the Treasury to said reclamation hind, to ether with interest paid on the certificates of indebtedness issued uéiger this rant and any expense incident to preparmg, advertis` , an lSS\11Ilg. the same. _ ,*;*”*f,'*'·*°° °" "’° Sec. 4ln%’hat all money laced to the credit of the reclamation fund 0 uu in pursuance of this Act shall be devoted exclusively to the comple- · tion of work on reclamation rojects heretofore begun as herernbe ore rovided, and the same shaH be included with al other expenses m fixture estimates of construction, operaltipgi gr ma1(pt2ns€nc?,Jand °*‘*°* °* *"*""*°°" hereafter no ` ation ro`ect contem y said c o une gnummmpm seventeenth, nuihlgteen hilinrfred and twd; shall be bg?) unless and until the same shall have been recommended by the rotary of the Interior and approved by the direct order of the Premdent of the United States. No sauna allowed Sec. 5. That no entry shall be hereafter made and no entryman · §,"§‘,§_",§‘,‘,§““°°°"‘°° shall be permitted to go uppn lands reserved for irngption purposes . PM P- *18- until the Secretary of the terior shall have establis ed the unit of ` acreage and iixed the water charges and the date when the water can _ be applied and made public announcement of the same. ,.,{°‘L’“‘°f,,*?.;’°,,Y.l'l°,§ Sec. 6. That section nine of said Act of Congress, a roved June rwn . . ,, PP .

 P 390 m_ seventeenth, mneteen hundred and two, entitled   Act appropriatpeeled. ’   the recei ts from the sale and disposal of public lands in certain

States and Tllerritories to the construction of irrigation works for the reclamation of arid lands,” is hereby repealed. · Approved, June 25, 1910. J¤¤¤ 26- Nm- CHAP. 408.-An Act To authorize the Secrets. of '

 to the city of Anadarko, State of Oklahoma, folrya tiggtlgfe icgpgthef

[Public, No. 290. purposes. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R?resent¢;tives of the United gublpayiosiduko States ofrimerzca in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Oki'? ° ’ Interior is hereby authorized and directed to issue patent to the city of Anadarko, State of Oklahoma, for park, street, and other municipal new-ipacn. purposes, to the followinppdescribed tract of land, to wit: Beginning at a stone fifty-twoand three-tenths feet south of the southwest corner ‘ of block thirty, according to the official plat of the city of Anadarko, State of Oklahoma, thence west one thousand three hundred and twenty and one-tenth feet to a stone, thence north six and thirty-five one-hundredths feet to the right of way of the Chicago, Rock lsland and Paciiio Railroad, thence in a northeasterly direction alon said right of way one thousand three hundred and twenty-five feet, gience south one hundred and eighteen and nine-tenths feet to place of beginning, a portion of said tract being in the southwest quarter of section fifteen and a portion of said tract being in the southeast quarter of section sixteen, all in township seven north of range ten west of the Indian naeridian, containing one and eighty-nine one-hundredths acres, more or ess. sine ct xm so Am.-· Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Interiorbe and is hereb a h r- d"`k°· °“"· ized to make an appraisement of the lands hereinafter desoyribeldt sshd to sell the said lan to the city of Anadarko, State of Oklahoma at the appraised price thereof, the said_lands being as follows, to wit: ¤¤¤¤r¤r>¤¤¤· Lets nve, six, seven., and eight rn section nine, lot five in section ten,