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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/861

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SIXTY-FIRST coneanss. sm. II. oss. ms, awa. 1910. 837 lots six and seven and that part of lots four and five in section fifteen described as follows: Beginning at a point one hundred and forty and eight—tenths feet west of the southeast corner of lot live and running thence due north one thousand three hundred and sixty feet, thence in a northeast direction eight hundred feet into lot four to a point one hundred and fifty feet due south of the center of the Washita River, thence due north one hundred and fifty feet to the center of said river, thence up said river on a meanderin line to a point where said line intersects the west boundary of said dot five, thence south along said boundary one thousand one hundred and fifty feet, thence east along ‘ the boundary line between said lot five and the town—site of Anadarko to the place of beginning; also the fractional west half of the northwest quarter of the sout west quarter, of section fifteen, lying north of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway; lots eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, and thirteen, and the west half of the northeast narter and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, and the (frac tional northeast uarter of the southeast quarter lying north of the Chi 0, Rock Iiiland and Pacific Railway, in section sixteen; all in towiizii seven north, range ten west of the Indian meridian and south of the gfashita River, containing four hundred and sixty-four and thirty-two one—hundredths acres of land, more or less, situate in the county of Caddo and the State of Oklahoma, except a tract to be ceI§g餤¤¢¤¢¤¤fY¤¤· designated by the Secretary of the Interior to include the Indian P ` cemetery now located within said tract: Provided, That the sale shall liigyggwém be made upon such terms and conditions as to deferred payments as ` may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, with the limitation that not less than twenty per centum of the purchase price shall _ be °d in cash at the time of sale: And provided further, That the c0<;gl¤;ggc§{}3g;g¤¤ saidxdity of Anadarko shall have sixty days from the applroval of said ' a praisement to purchase said tract, and in the event t at the same slliall not be purchased by said city within said time the Anadarko Commercial Llub may make the purchase under the terms described herein, within sixty days from the expiration of the time allowed the cit of Anadarko to make such purchase. gmc. 3. Tmt an appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States d,§‘§}§}}°“" °“‘°"‘ in all suits affecting the allotted lands within the eastern district of Avvgg; ¢<;rig;:_¢ 3; Oklahoma or on demurrers in such suits appealed to the United States x ° circuit court of a peals, eighth circuit, is hereby authorized to be made by any of the parties thereto, including appeals from orders reversing judgments of the trial court. Approved, June 25, 1910. CHA , ,- T amend section fourteen of "An Act to rovide for th J¤¤€ 251910- brin 'ngoxts fgreiiiisd tli)e Government of the United States," ariproved Marc; lH·]lfY_‘§7·l thinix eighteen hundred and eighty-seven. [Public. No.291.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rejwesentatives of the United States o_6America in Congress assembled, That section fourteen of the Trrpkeglictclaims. Act of 1 arch third, eighteen hundred and eightyseven, entitled "An ,¤l’.§°¤;18d_ ’ p' 5°8’ Act to provide for theiringing of suits againstt e Government of the United States," be, andthe same is hereby, amended by adding at the end thereof the words “together with such conclusions as shall be sufficient to inform Congress of the nature and character of the demand, either as a claim, legal or equitable, or as a gratuity, against the United States,” so that when amended it shall read as follows; "S1=;c. 14. That whenever any bill, except for a ension, shall be 0,Rg{§§§g°°0}°cf,g‘;; pending in either House of Congress providing for Elie payment of a pending in Congress. claim against the United States, legal or equitab e, or for a grant, gift, Pm p‘u3& or bounty to any person, the House in which such bill is pending may refer the same to the Court of Claims, who shall proceed with the $§f*;*’p*j$& same in accordance with the provisions of the Act approved March ` 88740°—vo1. 36, rr 1--11-—55