SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus.418, 419. 1910. 845 CHAP. 418.-An Act For the relief of Henry L. Woods. -31111% 5%%% Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rey>re¤entat1}vec of the United [Public. No- 300-] States of Amer£ea in Cbngress assembled, That the Secretary of the §¢¤¤‘v L-W¤¤¤¤- Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to audit and ie§ym°°t M °°"` §sy the account of Henry L. Woods, of Olive Hill, Carter County, entucky, for services rendered as United States de facto commissioner for the eastern district of Kentucky, from July third, nineteen hundrteld and nine} tip l;I1;>§eltl31er ninptepnth, ninetpen hundred and nine, e same asi e u re ar a inte ; and the acts o ·*°°§ °·¤n°°m*¤*¤· the said Henry L. Woods as Unitediymteslicoimpriiissioner de facto dur- ii?¤i°$1é&eii§i{•i1li»l:d: infg said period are hereby legalized and declared to be of force and · e ect. _ 'Approved, June 25, 1910. CHAP. 419.-An Act To ratify an act of the legislature of the Territory of Hawaii June 25.1010. authorizing W. A. Wall, his associates and amigns, to construct and operate a railroad [H· R· mw-] on the island of Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii. [Public, No. 801.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House qq Representatives of the United States QF America in Congress assembled, t the act of the legislature gglztnriiim I my ‘ of the erritory of Hawaii entitled "An act to authorize W. A. Wall me r;Leylv.°.i1.°w¤11, his associates, successors, and assigns, to construct, maintain, and §,§§§$,0uHr,}’,{;,§°¤”'* 0 rate a railroad in certain districts of the island on Hawaii, in the ` ’1%i’·ritory of Hawaii," approved by the governor of Hawaii April twent —sixth, nineteen undred and nine, be amended and as amended, the same is hereby, ratified, approved, and confirmed, as follows, to wit: HA 115 CT . "An Act to authorize W. A. Wall, his associates, successors, and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a railroad in certain districts on the island of Hawaii, in the Territory of Hawaii. "Be it enacted ln; the legisbzture of the Territory of Hawaii: USECTION 1. The right is hereby granted to W. A. Wall, his I·°°•¤¤¤· associates, successors, and assigns, to ay, construct, maintain, and o crate for the term of thirty years from the date of the approval oi) this act b the Congress of the United States a railway, either single or double track, or partly single and partly_ double, with such curves and switches, turn-outs, poles, wires, conduits, stations, power houses, and such other buildings, appliances, and appurtenances as may from time to time be necessai? or the use and operation thereof, from a point in the district of ona, island of Hawaii, starting at tide water at Kaawaloa; thence running south on grades one, one and one-half and two and one-half per centum to an elevation of nine hundred and twenty-five feet at Kahauko, in the said district of Kona; thence over intervening lands in a southerly direction on broken grades to one thousand two hundred feet elevation; thence throu h or near Waiohinu, in the district of Kau; thence through N aalebu to Honuapo, in the said district of Kan; thence to Hilea (old Mill site); thence over intervening lands to Pahala Mill, in the said district of Kan; from the nine hundred and twenty-five feet elevation at Kahauko, in the district of Kona, running north over intervening lands on various grades to one thousand two hundred feet elevation at the village of Honokahau, in the district of Kona. "SEc. 2. The said railway shall be operated by steam, or by opundun. compressed air, or by electric power, eithereléy overhead or under~ ground wires or by storgge batteries: Promkl , That a part of such railway may be operat by one motive power, while another or other portion thereof may be operated by other motive powers.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/869