844 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 415417. 1910. N·*’,¤* mm °°*'· Sec. 2. That the said Kenneth McAlpine shall be considered to have ` been continuously in the naval service from the date of his appointment on September thirteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, No pay, em. but that he shall receive no pay or emolument for the period from July seventeenth, nineteen hundred and three, March third, ninemmuenn names:. teen hundred and five; and that he shall be additional to the number of officers prescribed by law for the grade of commander m the navy, and to any rade to which he may thereafter be promoted. _ WW- Sec. 3. 'l%iat the said Kenneth McAlpine shall perform engineering duty only, on shore only. · ~ Approved, June 25., 1910. June 25. 1910- P. 418.-An Act To vide ioran inveshatmt of thesnrve b which the [E R· 2112*] scnctgfrn boundary line of thPe§0State of Alabama, tween raxzges fol; aid fourteen [Dunne, Nc. 29a.] gitrglthe Saint Stephens meridian, in Escambia County, was xed, and for a report Be it enacted by the Senate and l?0useqf1?i•{reaer•tat2}vesqft}le United {hum u M States 0_fAmeriea tn. Oongrees assembled, at the Secretary of the .wT{,§,§°i‘§°u°],'§,,, Interior be, and he is here y, authorized to cause an investigation to ““°- be made by an examiner of surveys of the former south boundary of the State of Alabama, lyin between ran es four and fourteen east of the Saint Stephens merifan as run andg marked for the base of the origgnal Alabama surveys; and of the condition of the surveys and lan in the vicinity atfected by the restoration of the official or Elli-
- 0***- ’ cott line; and to report to the Congrem as to what action, if an , is
necemry and advisable to determine the status of the tracts of land affected y said restoration. Approved, June 25, 1910. gang 417,-An Act Granting to the city of Hot Springs, Arkansas, land for [Public, M M] Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 R itat ’ tl; U 'ted _. _ resev weeo e nz ggegpgngnggu States pfrimerwa m Qongress assembleg Tit the parcelfor strip of ,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,_ land, SItu8tGd 1u the city of Hot Springs, Arkansas, shown on a plat of a subdivision of block one hun red and fourteen, in said city as orgginalltg laid out by the United States Hot Sprin Commissiondrs fil in e office of the circuit clerk of Garland C?>unty,Arkansas’ October seventeenth, nineteen hundred and four, and being designated on sand plat as Interior street, and shown and described therein as folnwavuon. lows, to wit: Commencing on the east line of said block one hundred and fourteen on the west ine of Court street, at a point one hundred and fifty feet north of Prospect avenue; running thence in a westerly direction on a line {parallel with Pros t avenue for a distance of four hundred and fifty eet to a point one hiicndred and fifty-four and threetenths feet north of Prospect avenue and to east line of Granite streetthence north along the east line of Granite street for a distance of forty feet; thence running in an easterly direction on a line parallel with said first-described line for a distance of four hundred and fift feet to the west line of Court street; thence running south for a dig; tance of forty feet to the point or place of beginning and contamm gighgaen tliiogsgngl square feet, more or less, be, arid the same g ere y, ce e ecor ration of thecit f ‘ ° for use as a public streef?0 y 0 Hot °P”"’gS· Arkansag Approved, June 25, 1910.