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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/875

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gus. 422, 423. 1910. 851 minerals, or sufficient moneys obtained from the sale of the property to pay all claims in full, the court shall apportion the proceeds to the H _ payment of such judgments pro rata: Provided, That no part of any such plfocgeéls sliall lze pfnd ulpfon araylpgaim or pédgmenthto guy personwoinoacua ormarmro mte the proceeds thereof untillallesuch preferred dzreiaid in or i..§i?§; }.‘2‘£§"{.'L;"LL“.i’.p$Z}.iE“.;Z.’i.E’.?’.$,‘I.*i2Té i1'33‘Z.$€i.‘?3i£3£’%E“i‘£E ‘Z{£` wiiim °° dm trict court in the manner provided in chapter ninety-seven of the V°*·“·*’·“7· Code pixgivil Péocedéireil ngw in force in Alaska, and upon such E""°“”¥”“”°"'·‘* appea mg pe ecte the ump or mass of mineral—bearing sands, Eiéavels, earth and rock, gold and gold dust, or other minerals shall _ waphtcalis xxi by this igsarshal or any party mentioned m section mne o ct as the trict court ma direct and all the gold or gpldhdupit or_other minegal so washed uplshgll lie Iigia into the registxiy t,;’:§'§§l§1;*¤°° ”8"¤· o the 1str1ct court there to await, the a ju gment on ap ea : ` Prmyided, That the gold or gold dust or other mineral in excess oi) the { e { amount of the judgment, including an additional amount equal to the iuagmmefewim ° probab1lel?.ccE·uinglposts on appeahand two (year? interest at the legal rate s a a ter the ex iration o ninety ays rom the time it was · paid into the registry of the district court, be released to the owners upon a showing that no liens have been filed against it. The defend- m{’,§§_ °°’°‘“ P"' pint ori pllefendlalnts, orlgny otpe oxélpicge of theI11,hm?ylilepos1t cash in euo ego orgo _ us on e ump w c sia remammt e custody of the gas; untill the Enal judgiment, and sléall ghen be applied in ayment 0 the ju gment or ju gments ren ere . on eac 'en claiins, and rlclpsts, and interest. h h H fm h f mbmwf bums Sec. 11. at any person or persons w o s a a r the copy o °'mmd the notice of lien is posted upon any dump or massiof mineral-bearing mmmk'°i°" ` sands, gravels,_eart or rock, gold and gold dust, or other mineral, as provided m this Act, and With knowledge of such notice of hen, buy, purchase, wash up, remove, destroy, or carry away all or any plart or portion of the same, or the gold or gold dust therein, or who s all render it d1fHcult, uncertain, or impossible to identi? the gold or gold dust or other mmeral obtamed therefrom, shal be hable to the lien hlcildep fp; tip? full (amount of his jiiflgment and costs; and any d°‘,§; {·°°°· rson w o s ia ta e an carry away a or any art or portion o gid dump of mineral-bearing sands, gravels, eartlli or rock, or the gold or gold dust or other mmerals therefrom, after the same shall cznram aa °:;S*O?>’ Ei *%*2 sts, 2** s·.1*:>’ :5: mr ss; » sa eumsie asor eaceyo mou_· nany isric attorneypin Alaska is specially required to mimediaitely cause a warrant to be issued for the arrest of any such person or persons and to prosecute them according to law. Approved, June 25, 1910. GHAP. 423.-An Act To provide additional protection for owners of patents of the *{g“'i,2Q‘&,*§ United States, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United i States of Amagca in Ogngrexa assembled, glhzg whgugver an ilnppxgtion ii°;c§§IL°;yg0, Img described in an eovere y a patent of the United States s a ere- °°“ me YU¤ after be used by the United States without license of the owner thereof Bmw or lawful fight to use the same, such owner may recover reasonable _

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ever, a an · s . u wa compensation under the provisions of this Act where the claim for compensation is based on the use by the United States of any article heretofore owned, leased, used by, or in the possession of the United States: ,Pr01r£ded_]’ttrther, That in any such suit the United States may D°*¤¤•°° °·“°"°"·