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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/876

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852 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gus. 423-425. 1910. avail itself of any and all defenses, general or special, which might 11. S.,secs.4918-4922. pleaded by agefendant in an action for infringement, as set forth in pliisgigiiiiiiy ocvem- itle Sixty of the Revised Statutes, or otherwise: And provzded fier- "'°°'°"'P’°Y°°°~ ther, That the benefits of this Act shall not inure to any patentee, who, when he makes such claim is in the employment or service of the Government of the United States; or the assignee of any such (patentee; nor shall this Act apply to any device discovered or invente by such employee during the time of his employment or service. Approved, June 25, 1910. {§¤§'25iég% thG¥.A§’£042t.§A1;m Act To provide for the care and support of insane persons in ' Q em fy 0 88 . | [ n . hb cl No ml Be it enacted by the Senate and Houai;3fRepresent¢ztiveIs of the United

  • ‘•**°· _ States o America in Congress assemb , That there is hereby estab-

Temporary deten . , , ,

2: hospitals for in- lished at in the Terrirtory (pf Ala:ska,hand atllgomtck in the

'umnzea nn- crritory o as a respective y, a etentron os ita or e tem- "•l’L *°" N°::°· por-ary care and detention of the insane, wherein all)insane and other . patients in chage of the United States marshal shall be detained until transporte to the asylum provided bylaw for their rmanent care and cure, or otherwise disposed of as provided by thi laws of Avr¤¤1>¤•¤¤¤· the United States; and the sum of twenty-ive thousand dollars is hereby lpppropriated out of guy moneys in the United States Treasury not ot crwrse appro riate not exmdrng° one-half thereof to be i§§°?.‘52d.§“c§£‘§i§`g°'?l)‘2?h1?r‘i&‘§l‘$?“iL?“§§ Zi? h§3£ff°i‘ “lr.F“"b“'£"“’ . _ _ n e erec ron and equipment of the hospital at Nome. PG MQW •¤ •¤¤•¤¤¢· Sec. 2. That the giovernor of Alaska and_the judge of the district court and the Unite States marshal of the judicial division 111 which tllrelsiard degttenttron hosprsal, respeclligrely, is] to bg erected and equipped, s a cons 1 u erneac ivrsrona ar w ose t it h llbeto °°°*”°“· °'°- the said detention hospital to be erected and Z1 iii S dl that cnizlilic bids for the erection of the same shall be called f q pldeth 'dlh ri or, an e said o aging) lqtwthetconsrggt tfirdtglre erllectiolp of the buildings, respectivgy, www ai bis $3 stir forsncvi bil;this?.-S&¥;?1?§°f.Ri.lr"il1’§°¤?§$’r§r§ lggreby alapréopfraitgd, ordsobomush therecillf as shall be necessary, shall ex me y e_sa1 ar uontea l fth · and til: said board in each divisign shall 1xili)l:d)i18diitaHe?1t(i·(e;»?>1r.t0df · the_ ezlripcndrtures of the said funds to the Attprney—General of the minor; _•¤¢1 mniuw- Umte States; that the said hospitals, after their erection and equipment, sh_al1 be under the charge and control of the United States marshal rn the_drv1sion where situated, and the maintenance thereof shall be paid in the same manner and from the same fund as the expense of the United States jails under the same marshal is paid, ( Approved, June 25, 1910. Jiliisiéii s.?.E,;*.}§€§i.‘3sa;?‘&.*3§§£..‘2§‘2£.?f§3gs2*;$.B°“"‘“g Gm md Nmm ”~¤**~··¤ [resins, ss. mv.] ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representat ° the U ' gorjsgrgiéggen and .$;m¢es of Am:eraIca in Congress assembled, That the BozvQiliri)fGreeriliif:i(d gggsegrmanzggap l\orthern Railroad Company, a corporation organized ringer the {awt, at D,§’{,‘,,,’Fmg,’ Ky? · of the State of Kentucky, is hereby authorized to construct maintain and operate a_br1dge an approaches thereto, across the Green River, at a point suitable the interests of navigation, at or near Davis Ferry, about one mile below said ferry, and about the same distance B¤!¤¤ R*'¤*‘· •* above Lock Numbered Five in Edmonson Con t K - Bowlms Green. Kr- . d » D JH Gntucky, also a budge an approaches thereto across the Barren River, at a point