292 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. Ch. 284. 1912. ¢=¤¤¤•v¤•¤¤· For inves tions of insects aifecting citrus fruits, inclu the white il , or‘;·ge thrips, and scale insects, twenty-one five hundred dollars‘ ¤¤¤¤¤¤r¤¤·•¤ ¤¥- For investigations of the Mediterranean Hy in the United‘_States, its territories and n£iBthirty-five thousand dollars, which sum shall be immedia y av a 9 _ _ ,§,‘{"""""‘“'° For investigations of miscellaneous insects, inspection work, study ` of insects affecting the health of man and amma s, insecticides, and . the imlportation and of useful insects, nineteen thousand seven undred and dollars; In all for generalrtyexpenses, three hundred and twenty-eight - thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. _ _§§YP•¥,,,*¤° "'°‘”" Pnzvnivrms srnnm or norms: To enable the Secretary of yiculture to meet the emergen caused by the continued spre_ of the gypsy and brown—tail moths by establishing and mamtaining a Q°·¤¤*’¤¤· °‘°· uarantine against further stplhead m such manner as he shall deem zest, in cooperation with authorities of the different States concerned and `with the several State experiment stations, including rent outside of the District of Columbia, the enlipdoyment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere, and other necessary
two hundred and eighty-four thousand eight hundred and
fort d ars. Tldtal for Bureau of Entomol , six hundred and seventy-two thousand three hundred and fortygollars. dvxnéygr BMG · BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY. Pv of sms! ¤* *·¤· Sarasrzs Burman or Bxonoerou. Sunvnr: One biol ° t, who `°°’°l°”h' °°°' shall be chief of bureau, three thousand five hundred dggrs; one chief clerk one thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk, class four; one clerk class three; two clerks class two; three clerks, class one; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each; two clerks at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger, seven hundred and twenty dollars; one photographer, one thousand three hundred dollars; one game warden, one thousand two hundred dollars; one draftsman, nine hundred dollars; one messenger, messenger boy, or laborer, four hundred and eighty dollars; one aborer, six hundred dollars; in all, twenty-five thousand one hundred dollars. ¤·¤¤·¤¤xv¢¤·¤· Guzman. nxrnzwsns, Burman or Bronoorcu. Smzvnr: For salaries and employment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere, fumiture, supplies, traveling and a l other exlpenses necessary igi conduct;n5 mvestigations and carrying out the work of the ureau, as o ows: . P¤•¤¤¤•»¤¤ For the enforcement of sections two hundred and fort ·one two gamhimu mg hundred and forty-two, two hundred and fortfthreey and, two "°L”·"·u”"·“’°· hundred and forty-four of the Act approved Marc fourth, nineteen hundred and mne, entitled "An Act to codify, revise, and amend the pmeueepanysas penal laws of the United States," and for the enforcement of section
- ¤};{°*'*"’ *‘“° one of the Act approved May twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred,
vour. it W- entitled "An_Act to enlarge the_powers of the Department of Agriculture, prohibrt the transportation bg mterstate commerce of game killed m violation of local laws, an for other purposes," twelve nre; ‘*°"r¤; { the M N ..1 B ..,,., nnemuena lor or e maintenance o ontana ation ison R and
i§$ other reservations for mammals and birds, and for the enforcement
V¤1-¤.v.wM- of section e(iFrty-four of the Act approved March fourth, nineteen hundred an nme, entitled "An Act to oodify, revise, and amend the ggnal laws of the United States/’ seventeen thousand dollars, of w ch sum two thousand five hundred dollars shall be used for the pnuéichase, capture, and transportation of game for national reserve ons; ·