SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. Ch. 284. 1912. 293 For the establishment of a national game reserve to be known ‘""'°•'“'•“°°·‘ as the Wind Cave National Game Preserve, ugon the land embraced Giii¤‘¤i»tm E`Dl•if withm the boumdaries of the Wind Cave National Park, in the State ‘°' °“°‘l°"""·°'°‘ of South Dakota, for a. germanent national range for a herd of bufalo to be presented to the _ mted States by the American Bison Society · and for such other native American game animals as may be placed therem. The Secretary of Aiiculture is authorized to acquire by ,¥*gg*'°"*·*¢*¤¤r* purchase or condemnation suc adjacent lands as may be necessary "’ ` or the puérlpose of assuring an adequate, tpermanent water supply and to en oee the said game preserve wi a good and substantial fence and to erect thereon all necessary sheds and buildings for the proper care and maintenance of the said animals, twenty-six thousand dollars, to be available until exppnded; For mvestigating the food habits of ort.h American birds and """" mammals m relation to agriculture, horticulture, and forestry, includiyg experiments and demonstrations in destroying noxious amm , and for myestigations and experiments in connection with rearing of fur-bearing ammals, includm mink and marten, forty- three thousand dollars, of which sum three thousand dollars shall ¤,'{§$§q‘{,f,.§§,‘§_“ °‘ be for the destruction of ground squirrels on the national forests mFor tliilgai; °cal investigations, including the relations, habits, l§*f,",,‘f*°" ”"°‘°' gueographic distribution, and migrations of animals and plants, and 8. d e preparation of maps of the life and crop zones, ten thousand fe "*°· “*·b’;·;*:i¤?.:a%:rr·*·1;s·m°.;z‘*> M *;· tw Sm ·-it "‘”" “"’ o yommg, w oca in t section o yoming P¤¤¤•·¤ M *•¤<"·~ lying mai of are Yeuowmus Park, md anu meads not ies than °‘°··‘°""""""‘°'· two thousand acres in township forty-one north, ranges one hundred and fifteen and one hundred and sixteen west, forty-five thousand dollars, to be available until expended, and —the Secretary_0f Agnculture is hereby authorized to purchase said lands with improvements, to erect necessary buildings and inclosures, and to incur other expenses necessary or the maintenance of the reserve; mmimmdu W For general administrative expenses connected with the above- pam. mentioned lin of work, including cooperation with other Federal bureaushdepartments, boards and commissions, on request from thai, tllnxéteen thouxiand three diollisirs; d _ ty _ th d a,or eraexpcnses,oneunreansix-six ousan three hundrecF:iIbllars. _ Total for Bureau of Biological Survey, one hundred and nmety-one thousand four hundred dollars. DIVISION OF ACCOUNTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. a$§°:°£.`°L¤°£ iilguiix Saumns, Dxvxsxox or Aooomrrs urn Drssvnsmigamsz _One chief v¤£'J.,°ii$n°!•§°{¤‘d,` of dividon and disbursing clerk, who shall be administrative officer °‘°"‘”·°*°- of decal affairs of the department, four thousand dollars; one assistant chief of division, two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; one chief of office of accounts and fiscal agent, two thousand five hundred dollars; seven district fiscal agents, at two thousand dollars each· one supervising auditor, two thousand two hundred
nity dollars; one auditor two thousand dollars; one cashier and
chief clerk, two thousand dollars; one deputy disbursing clerk, two thousand dollars; one accountant and bookkeelper, two thousand d0ll¤'8; three clerks, class four; eleven clerks c ass three; 61gh¥·€¤!1 clerks, class two; nine clerks, class one; four clerks, at one thousand dollars each; six clerks, at nme hundred dollars each; one custodian of records and iles, one thousand four hundred dollars; one messenger, seven hundred and twenty dollars; one.messenger or mes-