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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/318

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. Ch. 284. 1912. 295 Qnunaar. mxrmgsms, IPIYISION or Punnroarrousz For miscellaneous °•¤¤' ¤¤•¤•¤ objects of expenditure m_connection with the publication, indexing, }llHstration, and distribution of bulletins, documents, and reports, as 0 ows: _ incI;l<:‘1iil:1gb;>1r-saving uic; mailing documents, Senna. ew. eoessary es, e thousand dollars· For envelopes, statiorlhry and materials used in the distribution of doizumcréts, e even mtgaousgnélléive hundretg dollar§;d H oro cefurni an ures,one thousand dollars; Forphotograhic t df htogra terials d art.ists’ tools and sudp;%l;?IE§·1d thadlusaztid gollars; Pblc ma m 5 Ftp- telephoiiiglalnn telegraph service and freight and express changes, ve undred · For wagons, bicycles, horses, harass, and maintenance of the same, on; thousand dolgarsg 61 In orp manuscri ts,travelmg` expenses ectro ° ustrat5o:11.sil¤.InjB¢lIS<i,tl)1er expense}; not otherwise provided for, :hPr:’thousan ; . In all, f eral , tw ty-iiv thousand dollars. _ Tgtal fo(IT' ::i1 of ugblicatiolé, two lnmdred and nineteen thousan seven un dollars. _ nunmau or STATISTICS. ""‘•°°'“°“•“°* Sanamzs, Bunuu or S'I.‘A’l'IB’1'I($Z One who shall be ¤P$,’•Zla%l!,$11¢°x`i,` chief of bureau, four thousand dollars; one assistant statistician, who °‘°· shall be assistant chief of bureau, two thousand Eve hundred dollars; ` one clerkksone thousand eight hundred dollars; sixclerks, class four; nine cler , class three; twelve clerks, class two; two clerks, at ?“m¤° °h°““.Z‘1°‘l§`*""L° ”£.’§"Z‘h°" ‘l‘§.'i"Zi0ii‘Tf£’mt°"°°tQ“.?.?}.$y°I.l?.’; 2i2‘I-’i§’°2é o er , a o ous ; pine liunuirmed dollars each; two messfi§>ers, att eight liundred each;t messe ersor rers,a seven undredan tgvrgt Odollars eechnlivo mesligngers or laborers, at six hundred and sixty dollars each· one messenger or messenger be , four hundred and . · X eighty dollars; one clinlarwoman, gve apacflorty g¢i•llars;htwo ch , tthree dredan sixyoars_ ;u1 ,one undrgdwaciircrlctlwedve thousauxlig three hundrgrd and eight; dollluars. my (mm! upmal umu;. xrmrsns, mtnau or arxsrxosz or necess expdznses forlcollecting domestic and foreign agricultural statistics, compiling, writing and illustrating statistical matter for monthly, pnnual, and reports, and for special investigations and compitl 1 : mj X- a iiliitlwdiliployment of labor in the city of Washington and ,£.°=*° ° elsewhere, suppliesé telegraph and telephone service, freight and express charges, an all other necemari miscellaneous administrative exgenses, twenty-four thousand seven undred dollars; _ mm mn. alanes and_trave1mg and other necesaig expenses of special iield aggitiltz-imxty-eight thousand mne hundred ollars; of Sum mu} Su; Inn _ es and traveling and other n tical agents, thirty-two thousand two hun ollars; _ _ mi *_ · W¥.°l‘?;‘J€£‘m°‘h..¤“d“€$,2“i1T.‘.7¤$°&`5ni';»Zl °m°"° °"d °°°°"l ""°°” USED will f¢g·§¤¤de;·¤l expenses, one hundred sind twenty-eight thousand lm massa. Andthatth Secretarif 'cul be dh `hereb directedto rf"-srliaem or secure from tl; various gerégels efutlriie depldrtrfehat ¤¤tl¤0!i*Y ”£°°'° when to invepggute such matters, reports relative to systems, _ marketing farm p nets, cooperative or otherwise, in practice in various sections of the United Statesandof thedemand forsuchproductsmvanmis 876I8°—von $7-rr 1——21