296 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS.- Sess. II. Ch. 284. 1912.
- ’~°°°¤*¤·°¤°•**°”' trade centers, and shall make such recommendations to rela-
°° c°°m°°’ M five to further investigations of these questions and the dissemination of such information, as he shalldeem necessary. Total for Bureau of Statistics, two hundred and forty thousand six hundred and eighty dollars. mmy. LIBRARY, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ug; gc ¤*·¤¤·¤- Sanaams, Lmnanr, Dnrairnmivr or Ao1u0m:ru1m:One librarian, two thousand dollars; one clerk, class three; one clerk, class two; two clerks, class one one of whom shall be a translator; five clerks, at one thousand dollars each; five clerks, at mno hundred dollars each; one clerk, eight hundred and forti dollars; two cataloguers, at one thousand two hundred dollars eac ; three cataloguers, at one thou- ‘· sand dollars each; one messen , seven hundred and twenty dollars; three messengers, messenger gigs, or laborers,_ at four hundred and eighlkiy dollars each; one charwoman fourhundred and hty dollars; in , twenty-five thomand seven hundred and eitgfhty °¤*°*'°*P°“°* Gmumax. xxrnusss, Lmmuzr: For books of erence, technical and scientific books, papers and periodicals, and for expenses mcurred in eompletmghzmperfect series; for the employment of additional assistants in cg;} of Eg¤s dhellsewhsre; for officéal travé ehngexpenses,an or r , rarycards,su es,an other material, fifteen thousadifd five hundred dollars. PP d0Total for Library, forty-one thousand two hundred and eighty CONTINGENT EXPENSE. °"‘°“‘°""°"’°"°‘ Com·11{:§:;rk;r,,n0x)1;{nQxs¤s, Dmrnnmsr o§ri;omc(?·runn: {or itation , , twine, pa , gum, goo , soa , rus es, broocnriys, mats, oils, paints, glassljchimber, hardware, ice, fuel, water and gas pipes, heating apparatus, IllIl1Il'»\1I'§,_ carpets, and matting; for lights, freight, express charges, advertising, telegraphing, telephoning, pos , washing towels, and necasary repairs and improvements to bniilldfiigs, grounds, and heating apparatus; for the purchase, subsistence, and care of horses and the purchase and repair of harness and vehicles, for officialdpurposes only; for the payment of duties on imported articles, an the Department of A%iculture’s proportionate share of the expense of the dispatch agent in ew York; or official travelmqlexpenses; and for other miscellaneous supplies and expenses not otherwise provided for, and necessary for the ractical and efficient work of the department, one hundred and six menu aa- be- thousand and sixty-six dollars: Promkled, That hereafter the Secre- '°•“'· °*°· tary of Agnculture mpg purchase stationery, supplies, furniture, and miscellaneous materi from this appropriation and transfer the same at actual cost· to the various bureaus, divisions, and offices of the Degirtment of Agriculture in the city of Washington, reimbursement erefor to be made to this axppropriation by said bureaus, divisions, and offices from their lump- und appro riatnons by transfer settlements throgithe Treasury Department: gmnkied further, That, ,,'§,Q$_*•f;,{,j °‘ ‘¤’* the Secretary of _ culture may hereafter exchange typewriters and computing, addressmg,_and duplicating machines purchased from any ump-fund appropriation of the Department of Agriculture. R"'- RENT IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. °"°‘“”""'°""'°‘ Rmrr or nmtnmos Dzr · uoumua _ _ , _ ;LRTMEN’1' 01** AGRICULTURE. For rent of gpiltgzngs and plxrtga of in th; %strictfotf}go%)u;nbia for use . use ous an offices o artment of Agriculture, namely: ’ P .