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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/322

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. Ch. 284. 1912, 299 of Washington and elsewhere, rent outside of the District of Columbia, and all necessary e?>enses,_one hundred thousand dollars. Total for Office o Expenment Stations, one million eight hrmdred and seventy-one thousand and seven hundred dollars. . OFFICE OF PUBLIC ROADS. ’“"’*° ’*'•"°*°°· _Sananms, Ormon or Pmruo Roans: One director, who shall be a c,§,;g_,§,f *“'°°°°'• screntrst and have charge of all scientific and technical work, four thousand dollars; one chief clerk, one thousand nine hundred dollarstwo clerks, class three; one clerk or instrument maker, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; one clerk, one thousand three hundred and twenty dollars; three clerks, at one thousand two hundred and srxty dollars each; three clerks, class one; one clerk or photographer', one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk or photrmpher one thousand dollars; two clerks,_at one thousand one hun and g>;rty’dolla.rs each; one clerk, one thousand and eighty dollars; one one thousand and twenti dollars; four clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one clerk, nine undred dollars; one clerk or instrument maker, one thousand two hundred dollars; one messengr or laborer, seven hundred and twen? dollars; one messeng or la rer, six hrmdred and sixty dollars; our messengers or la rers at six gorrlriiad dollars each; orggymessengeg bzgéourgrrrndred and erggryt;

one messenggler V, three un an sixty ·

charwomen,attwo 1mdredand fortydollarseach;inall, thirty- seven thousand and twenty dollars. · _ Gxnmrn. nxrmwsns Orncn or Prmuo Roans: For salaries, and °'°°"*‘°'¤"""· the employment of labor in the_ city of Washrrgton and elsewhere, supplies, omce fixtures, apparatus, traveling an other necessary expgnses for conducting mvestrgatrons and experiments, and for co ting, re rting, and illustrating the results o same, and for pre- ` , ub§ring, and distributing bulletins and reports as follows: ‘

 That no   of these appropriations shall be expended f,"_';"’·,,,,,,,,, an _,

for the rent or p of road-magng machinery, except such as cmgery- pnay be necmary for iield experimental work as heremafter provided or: For inquiries in regard to systems of road management throughout ,,,§$,{_""°"""°"‘ the United States and for giving expert advice on this su yect, twenty-five thousand dollars; _ For investigations of the best methods of road_making and the best ,,,,”°,,‘f"‘“"' '“' kinds of road-making materials, and for furnishing expert advrce on mad building and maintenance, seventy-five dollars; www M m_ For investigations of the chemical and physical character of road ,,,,_,,,,,,,,,;_ · materials, twenty-five thousand dollars; _ Foroonducting field experiments and various methods of road con- m*‘}·*¤ ¤1>¤*’¤°°'*· ‘ struction and maintenance, and mvestrgatrons concermng various road materials and re arations; for- mvestrgating and developmg equipment intended fgr &e preparation and apphcatron of brtrnnmous and other binders; for the purchase of materials equrfpment; for the employment of assistants and labor· for the erection o j burldmgs; _ such experimental work to be confined as nearluy as pomble to one point during the year, thirty thousand dollars; _ ” ¤_ For general admmistrative expenses connected with the above- ,,g1‘“""“""“ glmglrzgeg llines of investigations and experiments, ten thousand one un dollars; - Inhall, for geplirnal expenses, one hundred and sixty-five thousand one undred o . \ Total for Oiliee of Public Roads, two hundred and two thousand one hundred and twenty dollars.