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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/321

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298 SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 284. 1912. financial statement reguired under the above_Acts, whether the exptinditures are m accordance with their provisions, and make ‘ re rt ereon to Congress ¤.%“»é‘“s1"‘*.;., list msu the seems-y’¤r Agricumm to ambush me maintain "“' ‘*"“"· , 'cultural experiment stations in Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and zglisllrind of Guam, grcluding the erriction of buil1 preplar;E tion ustration, an ` ution o reports an an other necessary one hundred and five thousand dollars, as follows: y thousand dollars;,Hawaii, thirty thousand wad dollars; Porto ° , thirty thousand dollars· and Guam, fifteen "°‘*"°°" thousand dollars; and the Secretary of isauthorized to sell such products as are obtained on the d belongin§1to the agri- U cultural eréperiment stations in Alaska, Hawaii, Porto `oo, and the '°°"°°“’“ isléapd ::1 uarpé piped to_ apply the prxpdey received the sal;1 pif su p ucts mam ceo stations,an ' I. E I , be ail bl til used; ` as •;»1Jl`if»fi°:i *1%: enlabaalltllle of Agriculture to investigate and report schools. o . 1,,,,,,,1;,,,,,,, d upon the organization and pyem of farmers mstrtutes and agn- ¤¤*¢¤•·¢¤=· cultural schools III the seve States Territories, and upon _ similar organizations in foreign countries, with special su§estions of pllaéns and methods fozh sucgitrirganizztiogisthmolrie active fo}- d1sse' minationo erestso eworo e art t wsse ···4·::s-¤#·~=»ms»¤¤~·.·¤·i‘€·* me o t practice, m u e em o t 0 in the city ol Washington and elsewhere, and as oytlirlaciflnecessé

ffifteenJ.rha¢iusand seven hundred aréd   dollars;d’ _ ‘

or expgnlses, one on ve dred - nine thousangcdlie hun and sixty dollars. an _Dm°ty ,,_§;“"““’“ ““°'“*" UTRICQION urvrsrrmrrrousz To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to mvestrgate the nutntnve value of agricultural (products used for human food, special suggestions of plans an methods for the more effective utrbzatron of such tproducts for thrs purpose, with the coopflraitlipn of toither burtrigsus 0% ei deps1rtment,t£nd to ilrssemuzatr; - or-maonon su ec,mcuding eemo eno lflior in the city of Washington aind elsewhere, and all otll)er m , sixteen thousan dollars. ¤.¥.'{"°°° "'°°' ·rroN mvnsuoanoss: To enable the Secret of ' culture to investigate and report upon the laws of thenétates and Territories as affecting irrigation d the ts of t , and of riparian proprietors and instilttnltions rerlgming to itl·l·)r};:tl)<i'h£: 311:1 upon the use o rrrrgatron water at home and abroad, with especial suggestiplns of thelbest mphthods fcpdtlli? utilizlpgion of irrigation waters inagric ture,an upon euseo erent 'ds f d l`- ances for irrigation, and for the preparation rgndwivllirlssrigdcgrxipdf repgrts and bulletins on .1!Tlg8l'.10I1, mcluding the employment of llgistrup tpgocfty W n and elsewhere, rent outsidle ofhthe nco um1a,an n exe ,`ftt — .’"""······~·:.·, me ss we d·~::-.; ··f '*“ ‘* ure au_e_iserey,auorizean ° tedto °°· thorough investigation to be made and regrt to (éongressmdltsothe U opening of the next session upon the feasib ty and the economy of rrrrgauon lpghthe reservoir system or plan in western Kansas and Mun mv - western 0 oma. ; · ¤l&.:isr sump, m, Pumas; mvzsnearrousz To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to investigate and report upon the dramage of swamp and other wet lands which mafy be made available for agricultural purposes, and to prepare 5-llans or the removal of surplus waters by drainage from suc , and_ for the pre aration and illustration of reports and bulletms on drainage, mc udiug the employment of labor in the city