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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/516

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six·rr-sncorm conennss. sms. II. cm. sae, seo. 1912. 493 urposes, a right of wa through said Port Discov Mili Resergatron, as aforesaid, anil a right to use other additidiial grduli-id, when cuts and fills may be necessary for the construction and maintenance of sa1d roadbed, or for the location of station houses: Provided, That, {}','g',$u_ subject to such rules and regulations as the Secretary of War may from time to time prescribe, sraezgart of the lands herein authorized to be taken under sand lrcense be used except in such manner and for such purposes as shall be necessary for the construction and convenient operation, including any necemarg station houses, of said railway,_ telegraph, and telephone lines, an the use and enjoyment of the rights an privileges herein granted; and when any Igrtion thereof shall cease to be so used such rtion shall revert to the nited States, from which same shall be takgnz Prmridalffudhcr, That the Seattle, *_‘”°""•'· '°'*°'*· Port Angeles and Lake Crescent Railway, 0 the State of Washington, will fence its right of way and will provide and maintain necessary and suitable crossings, the construction of the fences and crossings to be in accordance wi _ such requirements as may be made by the Secretary of War: Promdedfurlhcr, That any corporation having a fran- Us by other wmchise for a_railway,_ telegraph, or telephone line in the vicinity of the °°°1°' ggoposed lme of said railway may upon securing a license from the cretary of War, use the track and other construction herein authorized to be placed upon the reservation upon the payment of just com— pensation; and if the parties concerned can not agree upon the amount of such comtplensation, the sum or sums to be aid for said use shall be fixed by e Secretary of War: PrmnZdcdfurl}nI;r, That said ¤°{I““•* °°'°P°""* corporation shall pay to the United States such annual compensation ' for the use of the land hereby granted as may be determined b the Secretary of War to be just and reasonable: Provided further, That m***"’°""‘“· the United States reserves the rgght to occupy the land covered by this grant, or any portion thereo , whenever, m the judgment of the Secret of War, such occupation msg be necessary or military purposes:ag·wi<1edfuHhcr, That the rig t of way and other privilelges me er mms ganted by this Act shall be subjgct to the regulation and contro of “°“‘ e Secretary of War, and shall inoperative, null, and void unless the said railway compan shall eqmplete the construction of and have in use its tracks within tiireerlypars from the date of the passage of tlns Act: And provided further, at the said Seattle, Port Angeles and **°¢¤'·“°°•· °°°· Lake Crescent Railway, of the State of Washington, shall comply with such other regulations or conditions as may from time to time be prescribed by the Secretary of War. Srcc. 3. That the location and width of the right of wig and of '"°’·’*· *‘°· the additional areas granted shall be subject to the approv of the Secretary of War prior to the commencement of work under the license hereby granted. Sec. 4. That the Congress reserves the right to alter, amend, or *"""“‘°“" · repeal this Act. Approved, August 24, 1912. CHAP. 380.-An Act To authorize the beard of county ecmmidumsm of m Auigcrxiiggu County, South Carolina, to construct a bridge acron Krngdon lake at Conwly, Carolina. [hmm Be` enacted theSena¢ecmdHouaeofRegrwmh1h'veao theUnited I, _ Smteswof Ammggr in Oongrees assembled, at_ the board· of county s¤{)3g·¤I€.;§%pi. commissioners of Horny County, Carolina, be, they are ""’ · ‘ hereby, authorized to construct, mamtam, and operate a bridge across Kingston Lake at Conway, South Carolina, at a point su1tab e to the interests of navigation. in accordance with the provisions of the Act